
A Comparison of Self-Descriptions Between 2 Children of Different Ages

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A comparison of self-descriptions between two children of different ages

The comparison is based on Rosenberg’s study of children’s self-descriptions. A comparison was made between two participants, Annie aged 8 and Kirsty aged 16 using a semi structured interview to find out whether there was a difference in self-descriptions at different ages. The results were analysed using qualitative analysis and it was found that younger children give more physical self-descriptions and older children give more self-descriptions in terms of inner feelings. This coincides with previous research conducted by Rosenberg. From this study and previous research it is possible to suggest that there is a developmental trend of children’s …show more content…

One Researcher interviewed Annie at her primary school and the other researcher interviewed Kirsty at her secondary school. The participants were introduced to the researcher and informed the nature of the research and were told why the research is being carried out in order to comply with ethical guidelines. The participants were then instructed to write 10 ‘I statements’ about themselves to answer the question “who am I?” on the category analysis form. The participants were told that there are no right or wrong answers and that they can write as much or as little as they would like about themselves. (A transcript of the instructions can be found in Appendix 3). The recordings were stopped while the participants filled in the ‘I statements’. Once the participants had written the ‘I statements’ the recording equipment was turned back on and the interviewer asked the participants questions relating to what they had written. The style in which the interviewer asked questions was based on Rosenberg’s study of self-descriptions. These included questions regarding feelings of pride and shame, their ideas of distinctiveness as unique individuals, what kind of person they would like to become, and who knew them best in order to determine the ‘locus of self-knowledge’. At the end of each interview the researcher

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