
A Critique Of The Administration Of Intravenous Medication Administration Errors

Good Essays

The aim of this essay is to provide a critique of two articles. The first article is, “Errors in the administration of intravenous medications in hospital and the role of correct procedures and nurse experience” conducted in Australia by Johanna Westbrook, Marilyn Rob, Amanda Woods and Dave Parry published on the 20th of June 2011. The second article is “Understanding the causes of intravenous medication administration errors in hospitals: a qualitative critical incident study”, conducted in the United Kingdom by Richard N Keers Steven D Williams Jonathan Cooke Darren M Ashcroft and published on the 13th of March 2015. In this critique the two articles will be analysed and there will be a comparison and contrast of the two. To begin of the …show more content…

The critical incident technique is a reliable tool to gather data, which increases the internal validity of the study and making the results more transferable (Andersson and Nilsson, 2006). The benefits of using a semi-structured interview is that it allows the researcher to gain focused information from the participant, it also allows the provision of reliable comparable qualitative data as the participants are asked the same questions (, 2017). In this study it was useful as it allowed the researchers to assess the causes of inter-venous medication administration errors, allowing the study to achieve its aim, again increasing its measurement validity (, 2017). The disadvantages of this study design are that it doesn’t provide a detailed understanding of a topic (, 2017). In comparison, both studies have high measurement validity and each study design utilised has its own strengths and weaknesses as discussed. The 2011 study’s sample consisted of 107 nurses in two different hospitals in Australia. This is a small sample size decreasing its internal validity (Kukull and Ganguli, 2012), in addition 107 nurses in two hospitals limits the participants to those location decreasing the generalizability of the results as 107 nurses in two hospitals is not an

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