
Company Case Analysis Essay

Better Essays

A & D

Table of Contents

|Content | |Page |
|Executive Summery | |3 |
|Situation Analysis | |3 |
|Problems Found in Situation Analysis | |4 |
|Strategic Alternatives for Solving Problems | |7 |
|Selection of Strategic Alternative & Implementation Plan | |8 |
|Appendices …show more content…

• Maintenance would be more difficult.

Pro Build: • System designed for the specific needs of the company • Unique online store could be used to differentiate the company from the competitors. • No additional functions that were not needed. • In house tech support knowing the product.

Con Build: • Cost of hiring the developers • Available budget for long term support • Time to develop system, test it, and have it up and running.

Problems Found in Situation Analysis:
Once Webb had decided that building a custom system was the correct path to take, he created a team tasked with designing the averall system. It took them 4 weeks to provide a list of the project planning components that would be needed. These were:

• Business requirements • Process Flows • Technical Architecture Requirements • Physical Infrastructure • Prototype • Project WBS • Task Estimates • Project Resources • Project Scheduling

They then fleshed out the components, and included pricing, asset requirements, and expected time (in days) needed to complete each portion. See Appendix 2 – Project Details.

Essential elements of solution: • Must fit within budget • Must be fully integrated for all departments • Must not interupt current state sales • Must be in place for holiday

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