
'A Good Man Is Hard To Find'

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The story titled, “A Good Man is Hard to find” demonstrates a typical scenario of a carjacking incident whereby family members are left shell shocked by the turn of events. The Misfit in this case is the offender with Bobby Lee used as the perpetrator of the crime because The Misfit argues that he is a good man, only prison made him change that stance. In any case, whatever happens to the Grandmother’s family has got no major relation with people being either good or bad. It is just a family group that had varied opinions and in this case as well, they had divergent views on what was actually transpiring. In the following sections, will demonstrate how the events that led to the executions of the family members are believable in this case.
The events that led to the grandmother’s family following Bobby Lee to the woods to be executed are definitely believable. The Misfit together with his crew approached the family in a proper manner. At some points they looked like good people and that is why the family members cooperated all through the process. O’Connor (146) asserts, “The Misfit instructs Hiram and Bobby Lee to take Bailey and John Wesley over to the woods, telling Bailey that his men want to ask him something.” …show more content…

In this way, it becomes quite hard for them to judge him harshly. He even apologizes for him not having a shirt on at the moment. Such a perception demonstrates someone who is socially connected and that is able to know whenever he is doing anything wrong. He goes on to say we “borrowed these from some folks we met” (O'Connor 147) Again, this is a statement of good will considering that they had buried the clothes they had been wearing in prison. In any case, no one would just comfortable wearing prison garments. If they borrowed the clothes, then they must be men of noble character. The family could not have interrogated the matter

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