
A Historical Sense Of Pride

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There has always been a historical sense of pride in America. Before the country was even founded, it was common to know the feeling of being purely American. That sense of patriotism tends to reach all facets of life. In the mind of most Americans, this country has the best of everything. This cultural autonomy is responsible for the blind support of many failing institutions. In no way, is American patriotism equivalent to ignorance, but there are some areas in which improvement is necessary and not taking place. According to a Gallup poll taken in 2014, only 54% of Americans ranked the quality of health care in the country as good to excellent. The same poll shows that 65% of American adults polled, do not believe that healthcare reform is needed (Gallup, 2014). The key to successfully aligning health care reform with diversity in the health care field is to understand what areas need to be improved. Diversity in health care matters and it is a system in itself of itself that can work. Areas in healthcare that are underrepresented occurs with regards to Race, Ethnicity, Culture and Gender (Healey 2014). Several measures have been implemented to level the inequalities in the American health care system: Affirmative Action, Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act as well as the Civil Rights Act. These laws prohibit discrimination against certain protected population subgroups based on race, national origin, skin color, sex

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