
A History And Stance For Benjamin Bloom 's Theory

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A History and Stance for Benjamin Bloom’s Theory
Benjamin Samuel Bloom was an educational psychologist from America who is remembered for his creation of “Bloom’s Taxonomy.” This included the theory of mastery-learning and the development of the exceptional talent. All of his research and findings lead to this foundational and vital element within the educational system.
Benjamin Bloom was born on February 21, 1913 in Langsford, Pennsylvania. He received a bachelor’s and master’s degree from Pennsylvania State University in 1935, and a Ph.D. in Education from the University of Chicago in 1942. In 1943 Bloom started to serve as a University examiner, which is a job where he developed tests to determine undergraduate’s mastery of …show more content…

Also, in 1964, Bloom published the book, Stability and Change in Human Characteristics. This was based on many studies that lead to an interest of early childhood education, which included the beginning of Head Start. All Bloom’s research predicted that many physical and mental characteristics of adults are somewhat present during the younger stages. Finally, Bloom made a final summary of his work in 1980 in the book, All Our Children Learning. This showed evidence that virtually all students can learn and function at a higher level if the appropriate measures are taken at home and in school (Contributors, 2013).
The Taxonomy Bloom’s taxonomy was created so that students would exhibit higher thinking during instruction, like evaluating concepts, processes, procedures, and principles, rather than remembering facts and just learning to a test. There are three domains within this learning theory and they are cognitive, affective, and psychomotor. Cognitive domain is a person’s mental skills or knowledge. Affective domain is the growth in feeling and emotional areas or attitude. Psychomotor domain is manual and physical skills (Benjamin S. Bloom, 1956). Bloom’s theory is a way to set the goals of the learning process. In a sense, this means that a student should acquire a new skill, piece of knowledge, and/or a new type of attitude (Paul, 1985). Originally, only the

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