
A Letter A Letter With The TB Virus

Good Essays

Good afternoon Dawn, or Good anything depending on the time you read this letter. I’ve read your story, and I’m very sorry to hear that your father is not considering to follow the medication routine. I understand that taking medication for a period of six months isn’t really attractive, but for now this his only option. From your story I have an understanding that you still don’t understand how your father contracted the TB virus. Well you mentioned that your father was diagnosed with polymyalgia and took a course of prednisone in order to calm his muscle inflammations. Now this might seem confusing, but prednisone is the the cause for your fathers tuberculosis. Like many, you’re probably asking “how does a medicine that can cure …show more content…

Patients are asked to take multiple antibiotics, like your father, it's required to be taken for a certain amount of time (6 to 9 months). However, I must tell you that not all TB infected patients have the same medications. Some are infected with a TB virus that is considered “drug-resistant,” these patients are required to take stronger drugs that last longer. Just in case don’t go and start sharing medication from an old friend who once or still has TB, each patient is different. There are also people who have Latent TB, these patients don’t show none of the symptoms, the only way they know they are infected is through the “tuberculin skin test.” This however doesn’t affect your father, your father has an active TB. For active TB patients they must take common treatments like Ethambutol, Isoniazid, Pyrazinamide and Rifampin. It’s likely that your father might be asked to take a test in order to see if the medications will be strong enough to kill the bacteria. As mentioned before each patient is different, so the amount of medication and the length they will take it will vary. Depending on how the tests come out, your father will be required to take 3 to 4 medications for the first two months. Then for the following months the patient will be reduced to take 2 medications for the remainder of the treatment. Many doctors including myself will urge your father if he ever decides to

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