
The National Tuberculosis Control Program Essay

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India, the second most populous country with over 1.31 billion people, has the highest burden of tuberculosis (TB) in the world, accounting for 20% of the global incidence of TB, and an even higher share of global incidence of multi–drug resistant (MDR) TB. With an estimated 2 million new cases of TB and 5, 00,000 TB-related deaths in India annually, those who got diagnosed with different forms of DR-TB were 35,385 cases but only 20,753 people started on multidrug-resistant TB (MDR-TB) treatment in 2013. The National Tuberculosis Program was launched in 1962, but suffered heavily continuing TB led mortality. Acknowledging this reality, a Revised National Tuberculosis Control Programme (RNTCP) was launched by the Government of India in 1997, however even today it does not comply with World Health Organization (WHO) recommendations.
In 2011, WHO estimated 12 million prevalent cases of tuberculosis worldwide, of which about 630 000 (roughly 5%) were MDR tuberculosis. The highest caseloads of MDR tuberculosis were reported in India, China, Russia, and South Africa, which accounted for more than 60% of cases worldwide. India and China have the highest number of MDR tuberculosis cases worldwide. Tuberculosis has now been made a notifiable disease in India. Drug resistance surveys in several states have indicated that the prevalence of MDR TB in India is 2–3 percent among new cases and 12-17 percent among reinfection cases. According to drug

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