A Letter to Dr. Sells on the Value of Philosophy
Dr. Sells, The word “philosophy” derives from the Greek word meaning “the love of wisdom.” Wisdom is an essential quality for successful people, especially with regards to collegiate schooling. In fact, wisdom is a highly recurrent theme throughout the bible. Proverbs 3:13 states, “Blessed is the one who finds wisdom, and the one who gets understanding” (English Standard Version, Proverbs 3:13). Representing the Baptist branch of Christianity, it is essential for Ouachita to support wisdom in their students by allowing an introduction to philosophy class to become required. The subject analyzes how the world works and why people think what they think. It is the only subject that evaluates every
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It is the only subject that applies to all people. When students question the world around them, they recognize the value of learning, which will improve efforts in all classes. The significance of the largely encompassing subject is eloquently described in the following works: Russell’s “The Value of Philosophy,” Plato’s Apology, and Locke’s “Of Enthusiasm and the Quest for Truth.” Plato, Russell, and Locke, all enormously respected thinkers of their time, would all recommend every student to take an introduction to philosophy class throughout their time at Ouachita Baptist University. First, Bertrand Russell was a British theorist who lived during the late 1800’s. In his piece, “The Value of Philosophy,” he describes the importance of studying philosophy. He argues that the subject is studied for “enlargement of self” (Russell). Russell is accurate with this statement. Studying thought accentuates people’s wholesome qualities; …show more content…
He stated that “There is nobody in the commonwealth of learning, who does not profess himself a lover of truth; and there is not a rational creature that would not take it amiss to be thought otherwise of” (Locke). In his mind, people who are rational and intelligent seek to understand and learn the truth. Locke’s perspective on truth is accurate and important for humanity. When people study philosophy, they discover their truth about the world. Truth becomes more evident with a deep knowledge of philosophy. Truth is an essential quality for people within Ouachita Baptist University to uphold. Thus, in support of Locke’s love for truth, he would suggest that an introduction to philosophy course be added to required core curriculum for all
Having discussed what philosophy is, we now consider why it is important to study philosophy. We will divide our discussion into 2 parts: (1) Why is it important for all persons in general and (2) Why is it specifically important for Christians to study philosophy? We begin, in true philosophic fashion, by examining the question itself: what we do mean by philosophy being important and we introduce the idea of the philosophic mindset. We then examine 5 reasons why it is important for all persons to adopt the philosophic mindset. We will end by providing an overview of the different branches of philosophy.
Philosophy is one of the most important subjects taught today. Philosophy can teach us things as broad as secrets of the universe and as personal as knowing right from wrong. In the following paragraphs, I will explain each concept, as well as its importance to myself.
The term “philosophy” means the love of wisdom, and those that study philosophy attempt to gain knowledge through rationality and reason. 1 Socrates, the father of ancient philosophy, once stated “the unexamined life is not worth living”. This is the most important part of life and it is need to find purpose and value in life. If a person chooses to live their life without examination, their life would lack value and they would be unhappy. They would also be ignorant to the effects of their choices on themselves and the people around them.
While it is clear that Bertrand Russell wished for the continuation of the practice of philosophy, he acknowledges most people have no idea what philosophy is, outside of the idea of a group of people thinking about life. With this writing while giving some of the products that have come from philosophy, he also warns that not all answers can be gained from the philosophy. While definite answers can be gained through the sciences, philosophic study only raises more uncertainty.
Higher education is a daunting challenge that everyone goes through. It’s the type of challenge that can lift your spirits, but at the same time it can bring you down. When I think of higher education I think of one word: stress. Where does philosophy fit in? First off, what does philosophy mean? Philosophy can mean many things to different people. It can be a belief. It can be an attitude. It can be whatever you want it to be. For me a philosophy and higher education go hand in hand. I’m very committed in my career. I have a passion for it. I have obtained valuable knowledge over the years. My philosophy of higher education fuels my passion. My philosophy helps me manage my emotions. That is why having a philosophy of higher education is important.
The statement “philosophy of Christian education” contains much information to be unwrapped. The term philosophy literally means, in the Greek, “love of wisdom.” In this case, the study of philosophy involves a “critical
ABSTRACT: Moral decisions concerning what ought to be done always assume metaphysical presuppositions concerning the way the world is. In the field of biomedical ethics, some of the metaphysical presuppositions underlying many current discussions of issues of life and death seem particularly implausible. These include our assumption of the reality of social atomism and our beliefs relating to the possibility of autonomy. Given the implausibility of these two assumptions, many discussions have focused our attention on the wrong issues by reducing questions of alternative social practices to questions of individual preferences. Far from facilitating intelligent solutions to our problems, this merely clouds
In the first reading, “Problems of Philosophy”, the author made some very deep points that are important for people to consider. On a daily basis, people go into fields or subjects without even thinking about philosophy or the importance of philosophy but this reading shows people that philosophy is in everything that humans do. On the second page, Bertrand Russell states, “The whole study of the heavens, which now belongs to astronomy, was once included in philosophy; Newton’s great work was called ‘the mathematical principles of natural philosophy” (2). Russell continues to name off other subjects that have branched off from philosophy, such as psychology.
Philosophy is defined by Webster as "Love and pursuit of wisdom by intellectual means and moral self-discipline" or "Investigation of the nature, causes, or principles of reality, knowledge, or values, based on logical reasoning rather than empirical methods." This essay is a general look at those who pursued that intellectual means, those who investigated, even those who reasoned Reason. Because volumes could be written and this is a rather quick, unworthy paper: apologizes.
In “The Value of Philosophy”, Bertrand Russell— “an important social critic and one of the greatest philosophers of the 20th century”—refutes the idea of philosophy being pointless and a waste of time (The Value of Philosophy). Although philosophers have not agreed on one exact definition for this branch of knowledge, philosophy is generally understood as an “academic discipline” which aims to cover a variety of topics through arguing, inquiring, assuming, and “testing arguments for weakness” in order to gain knowledge and grasp a better sense of life (Lectures 1-2, Package). Russell makes strong arguments for philosophy being beneficial, especially when one is open to seeking a deeper understanding of life and why the universe operates the way that it does. Despite philosophy’s inability to definitively answer the questions that it seeks to understand, in Russell’s opinion, it holds a great amount of value—one of those values being uncertainty.
Philosophy can be described as a chance for person to undertake an opportunity to understand themselves, our world and society, and relations between ourselves and one another. Those who are able to study philosophy, can find out what is to be human, what kind of person is it good to be, and especially how are we to live a good life. I, myself, have had an opportunity to take a philosophy class and as my time in philosophy is starting to come to a close, I am suddenly realizing how Philosophy has changed the aspects and my outlook upon my life.
In the essay, Russell presents the study of philosophy as a valuable undertaking, even though it does not directly help the whole world or increase one’s material wealth. The value is to be found for the student of philosophy herself or himself. This value is primarily found in the intellectual development that is available for those who undertake the study philosophy. They can escape narrowness, dogmatism, and narrowness as they become citizens of the world, with enriched intellectual capacities. Russell concludes with the idea that the mind becomes enlarged through the study of philosophy.
The word “philosophy” is derived from two ancient Greek words, “philos” meaning ‘love of’ and “sophia” meaning ‘wisdom’. Philosophers are lovers of wisdom. They have had the time and resources to sit back and wonder about what things really are like when all the pieces are fitted into one final accounting.
It states that even though philosophy doesn’t give us a certainty of true answers, it suggests many possibilities which enlarge our thoughts and free them from tyranny of custom. He also supports the idea that philosophy is beneficial because it “enriches intellectual imagination”. The essay brings up the points of the practical man, and why they are at a loss of intellectual imagination because they don’t explore the unknown by viewing life as simple. As evidence, he uses an example of mass disease and poverty of a society. The theory is that in those conditions, there would still be much to be improved to produce a valuable society. Even if the society has the proper food supplies, they need the ‘goods of the mind’ (knowledge) to build a well-governed society. He believes practical men undermine that aspect, thereby explaining their lack of intellectual imagination. The next argument is that philosophy saves us from convictions, prejudices, and cultural beliefs. The affect that that has on a person is to open up a fresh prospective with very little bias. He believed for this to be beneficial to people socially, by developing empathy which helps you understand others points of view. That theory goes hand-in-hand and gives a fine segway to his fourth and final argument of “the freedom and equity learned from philosophical contemplation reflecting in your personality (action and emotion). The
“All things in life are philosophical.” This is a well-known quote by the renowned Greek scientist/philosopher Aristotle. When one is to imagine life without thought, free will or knowledge, they are left to only imagine the oblivion they would be left to reside in. To me, philosophy is more than ethics, esthetics, and epistemology... it is the ability to stand ones ground with certain viewpoints, attitudes and beliefs.