
A New Version Of Mtm6d

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tion. Therefore, Man-In-The-Middle (MITM) attacks that need to target speci c IP address(es) and other types of attacks against node 's privacy can occur.
In this paper a new version of MTM6D (MTM6D II) is presented to resolve the above shortcomings. Further- more, a suggestion is proposed to prevent black hole at- tacks, as a part of DoS attacks (in which a compromised router on the path between two hosts discards packets instead of forwarding them) and bandwidth depletion
DDoS attacks (that only need the subnet ID instead of the exact IPv6 address of a target). A method is also presented to recover the communication after rebooting a host.
The proposed method (MTM6D II) is designed to meet the below requirements:
{ Static IP address is …show more content…

As the re- sult, the proposed method does not depend on a speci c algorithm or key size for encryption, authentication, and key distribution. This portability feature helps us to implement this method for di erent applications like small low-power Internet of Things (IoT) devices. For example, the choice of cryptographic algorithms is left to negotiation steps of IKEv2 to select an algorithm that both parties support.
The remainder of this paper is organized as follows.
Over the next two sections, an overview of the related work and some details of Mobile IPv6 are provided.
Then the proposed solution and results of testing with a prototype implementation are presented. Finally, some conclusions are o ered and the future work is discussed.
2 Related Work
This section includes a brief review of previous MTD- based methods that protect servers against remote at- tacks. Also, some of the limitations of these methods are discussed.
Some cloud-based defense methods were presented in [8], [9], and [10] for Internet services against DDoS attacks. These solutions were based on performing se- lective server replication and intelligent client reassign- ment, where the victimized servers were turned into moving targets in order to isolate attack. The attacked server instances are replaced with new replicas at di er- ent network locations and subsequently the clients are migrated to the new server instances. The new locations are only known to clients that have been

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