
How Does Fielding Present The Character Of The Novel A Passage To India

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In the novel ‘A Passage to India’ by E M Forster there many different character that each reflect ideas, some of the ideas would be relevant to a Victorian audience. There are a plenty of ideas that reflects the attitudes and values common in the early 20th Century. Forster uses each of the characters to represent different ideas and values towards issues like racism, which is present throughout the novel.

Cyril Fielding is a very interesting and unique character in the novel ‘A Passage to India’, because some of his ideas wouldn’t be relevant to a Victorian audience and he has a more modern attitude. Cyril Fielding is an interesting character because he is the most associated to the Forster out of all the characters; the character portrays Forster’s attitudes and values at the time he wrote the book (1924). Amongst all the Englishmen who are living in Chandrapore Fielding isn’t very successful in comparison in developing relationships with the native Indians. Fielding isn’t a very racist character and doesn’t share the same views as characters like Rony. Fielding is an educator however he is less comfortable in the usual teacher- student environment; he prefers a more one on one teaching style. His preference in teaching style shows that Fielding (and Forster) see the world as a bunch of unique individuals who connect with each other through respect and courtesy for each other. Fielding’s attitude towards teaching the Indians show’s that he values as intellects as well

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