
A Personal Philosophy Of Discipline

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A. Philosophy of Discipline Behavior is an inevitable consequence of working with people, especially kids. Whether it is good or bad, teachers should be prepared of how to handle it. By adopting methodologies from individuals such as Ginott and Curwin and Mendler, then teachers can develop a plan of addressing behavior while keeping a student 's emotions and dignity intact. Furthermore, knowing what components and principles that are necessary for your to keep order in a classroom is important. I know that I want a heavily sensory stimulate classroom with lots of options that provide my students a way to freely develop a love of learning. To keep order in the classroom, I will need to initiate such principles as empowerment and being …show more content…

B. Theory of Discipline Haim Ginott’s theory of communication and Allen Mendler and Richard Curwin’s theory of Discipline with Dignity are important in regards to managing behavior in a classroom. Both take into account what the child is feeling validates those emotions without validating the behavior attached to it. In this way, a teacher can create an atmosphere of positive emotional development while simultaneously keeping the behaviors of students in the classroom at a manageable level. While the theories or congruent communication and discipline with dignity might seem daunting to implement at first, the act of taking into out the student’s emotions is the first step to taking hold of both of these great teaching methodologies. The first step to a successful classroom is establishing expectations for the students behavior. In Ginott’s congruent communication, teachers should demonstrate “harmonious communication” with the students (Dance-Schissel). This means that teacher should clearly expresses brief expectations of classroom behavior. In Curwin and Mendler’s philosophy, both the teacher and the student should develop the rules for both the students and teacher to adhere to. By doing this, students develop ownership for the rules and an accountability amongst themselves. Therefore, by blending the two methodologies, teachers produce a

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