
A Personalized Budget And Marketing Campaign

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A personalized budget and marketing campaign is designed for each artist to fit their consumer demand. Plans, concerning new releases, consist of four points which are drafted to monitor production and initially target the Twin Cities area. Regional, national and international marketing is adhered as the artists’ career progresses.

 Maintain a positive image by promoting goodwill within the local communities.
 Form an artist-specific fan base of at least 1,000 fans before releasing any studio album.
 Develop relationships with manufactures, distributors and retailers.
 Release and promote singles with music videos, followed by a studio album.
 Ensure each project enters and maintains a high position on music charts.
 Achieve a high sale volume by following strategic planning and staying within budget.
 Develop an online presence by developing a website and placing Devotion’s name throughout online channels.

6.2 Marketing Budget
How much will you spend on the items listed above?
Before start up? (These numbers will go into your start up budget.)
Ongoing? (These numbers will go into your operating plan budget.)

6.3 Market Penetration
Devotion Music Group will breach the market and leverage itself in the industry along with demonstrating commitment to the market and its artists, and establish trust with the people through public awareness approaches by the channels bellow. The initial geographical market consists of the Twin Cities and will expand to outer

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