
A Proposal For Waste Recycling

Satisfactory Essays

A proposal for waste paper recycling in IIST campus.

Project as part of CH311
Environmental Science and Engineering

Aashish Lamba SC12B001
Aditya Duhan SC12B005
Mohit Singh Malik SC12B032
Shakti Bhim Bhan Singh SC12B048

Indian Institute of Space Science and Technology
September 2014

Made from vegetable fibres called cellulose, paper as we know it today was first created in China more than two thousand years ago. Since the advent of the printing press in the 15th century, its use has spread across all continents to the extent that, currently, it is hard to imagine the world without this versatile material. More than 400 million tonnes of paper and cardboard are produced worldwide every year, with more than half coming from recovered sources.
Thus recycling of paper plays an important role in meeting the demand for increasing paper use. Recycling used paper and cardboard has significant advantages over other disposal options - namely landfill and incineration.
Since a lot of waste paper is produced in IIST, paper recycling can serve as an economical way to reduce waste and reuse the recovered paper. Since most of the waste in IIST comes from papers (mostly printed A4 sheets and newspapers), recycling of this waste on small

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