
A Report On North Georgia

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North Georgia is an area in which grapes are grown for wine making that is rich in a number of elements that make the region one that develops good quality wine. Though not quite as large as other regions in the United States, there are a number of elements unique to Georgia that in turn helps these grape growers develop wines with unique flavor characteristics. This paper will address many of those elements, as well as various techniques used for grape growing, diseases grape growers have to battle, the benefits to viticulture in this region, among a number of other components. The goal of this paper is to help with an expansion of knowledge of the components explored about what it means to grow grapes for winemaking in North Georgia. …show more content…

This particular disease is mostly a problem farther south than in north Georgia, but there have been records of PD being a problem for grape growers in the northern part in the past (Westover). There are four distinct climate zones that have a huge influence on grape production; the Northern Blue Ridge Mountains (Tennessee Valley), the Valley and Ridge district, the Piedmont district, and South Georgia. North Georgia grape growers must take each of these climates into account when choosing which grapes to grow, because there are certain grapes that are prone to flourish in each of these various climate zones. There are also various different types of trellising for various grapes and elevation, the intense runoff from mountain hillsides has been something North Georgia grape growers have had to perfect in order to make the wine industry in North Georgia what it is today (Krewer). Muscadine grapes are a rich source of dietary fiber which helps with more regular digestive health and ellagic acid, an anticancer compound. Muscadine grapes also contain a significant amount of resveratrol (which has proven to have so many health benefits it is being produced in a supplement form) in the skin, pulp and seeds. There is a source of dietary fiber, resveratrol, and ellagic acid in Muscadine grapes. All of these elements each offer a specific health benefit. For example, ellagic acid has been known to significantly impact one 's likelihood to get

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