
A Research On China Ukraine Cooperation

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1.1 Background and Significance The main aim of this thesis is to make a research in China-Ukrainian relationships with further identifying of threats and opportunities of their collaboration. The emphasis will be made on the investing in Ukrainian constructional sector of economy. The research objectives are the following: 1. To identify the factors associated with the risks and profitability of investing in Ukrainian constructing business. 2. To analyze the way constructing business is being operated in Ukraine. 3. To identify possible obstacles in China-Ukraine cooperation. 4. To provide suggestions in order to minimize possible risks in China-Ukraine cooperation. According to the United Nations World Economic Situation and Prospects …show more content…

A lot of developing countries are trying to attract investors in their businesses. And on the other hand, there are plenty of investors who are searching for the new perspectives and attractive offers. Generally speaking, this process is beneficial for both parties. If talking about China, it is still far from buying up the world. It is a relative newcomer to big direct investments, and has yet to boast a large hoard of such assets. China’s ODI would be greater if host countries were more hospitable. In the West, Chinese direct investment is viewed with suspicion partly because it is still dominated by state-owned firms. These are considered a threat to competitive markets and, occasionally, to national security. But nevertheless we can observe quite a huge increasing in investing into other countries from China. And it is not a surprise that a lot of Chinese companies are trying to go global by investing different project abroad. It helps them to expand the market share and of course to strengthen the economic position of China in the global market. Ukraine was also very interesting for Chinese investors. After collapsing of Soviet Union Ukraine suffered serious economic problems and thus was not an attractive investment area in the early 1990s. But after stabilizing the situation it has appeared that Ukrainian market is quite

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