
Corporate Social Responsibility Essay

Good Essays

Last spring, I worked for Special Olympics New York as an office volunteer, assisting with the preparation of the incoming Game and recording volunteer information. When examining the sign-up information for volunteers, I found it impressive, seeing numerous private company groups in the New York State register as volunteer groups and some of them had done such work for many years. When talking about the reasons for their actions, many companies considered that their volunteer behaviors would not only build employee solidarity but also demonstrate their care about disabled groups. This realization stimulated my interests in the corporate volunteerism, the idea of social corporate responsibility, and the often ongoing relationships between for-profit corporations and non-profit organizations. Building on this experience, I decided to examine this topic as a senior thesis for my sociology major thesis project. This project is expected to last for six months and recently, I have already begun a preliminary literature review by reviewing previous academic research in corporate social responsibility. In my thesis, I primarily focus on questions like how do firms and nonprofits collaborate and maintain social networks for mutual benefit, why is corporate social responsibility an important mission for private companies, as well as how does it influence a company’s financial performance, employee selection and performance, and corporate reputation.

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