
A Research On Self Directed Learning

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Chapter 2 Literature Review 2.0 Introduction The aim of this literature review is to inform the reader about the influential groundwork studies and the research on self-directed learning in relation to this study. This chapter is divided into two separate but closely linked parts. It begins with a detailed account of the Malaysian context in which the current study was conducted, and particular attention is paid to the Malaysian Higher Education framework and the impact of three key pieces of government documents and reports - the National Philosophy of Education (Malaysian Education Blueprint 2013 - 2025 2013), the 'nationalization ' of public universities policy (Education Act 1996), and the University and University College Act of 1971 (UUCA 1971) which not only served as the core components in establishing a culturally-responsive Malaysian Higher Education system, but which had a significant impact on the learning, teaching and assessment practices in Malaysian Higher Education institutions. The discussion then turns to the Malaysian cultural context and its impact on teaching and learning practices in general with a particular focus on the Malay - Islamic values and Malaysian – Chinese - Confucian values. The second part of this chapter focuses on the elusive concept of self-directed learning. It begins with a brief introduction to the history of self-directed learning before three important terms which are often used interchangeably with self-directed learning in the

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