
A Research Project On The ' The Wong One Died '

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Life is simultaneously the hardest thing we will ever do and also the easiest thing we will ever do. From the basic biological processes to the complex mental processes, all that we as humans do contributes to our lives. In the story The Wong One Died (Yalom, 2012), we learned about Penny, a woman who is experiencing great difficulty simply living her life. Yalom moves quickly to the heart of the matter, primarily by building a therapeutic relationship, developing an accurate empathic understanding, and using that understanding to help Penny. The therapeutic relationship is fundamental to the therapeutic process, and Yalom provides an excellent example of what is required of the helper in this story.
When Penny first meets with …show more content…

He does not deny that Penny could use help, or that he could certainly offer it, but he recognizes his limitations and his commitments that would interfere with his ability to properly help Penny. I think that this shows an important level of self-awareness on the part of Yalom, and gives what work he does with Penny its best chance at succeeding. While acknowledging she understands Yalom’s limitations, Penny mentions she had seen two therapists previously. One of them had been at an alcohol clinic, where the counselor had been an alcoholic themselves. Penny remarks that perhaps she need a therapist who has lost a child that could be an expert in what Penny is experiencing. However, if it is true that a client can only be helped by someone who has experienced the same things as themselves, then that places a severe limitation on the field of psychology. Therapists could only help clients with similar experiences to themselves, which would bring the focus of therapy to the therapist’s subjective experience, and not the client’s. Each therapist would only have a narrow range of clients with which they could be effective, which I do not believe to be the case. Yalom’s work with Penny can serve of an example of two people with different experiences forming a constructive therapeutic relationship. On the surface, there would seem to be few similarities between a Stanford professor and an overworked cab driver, but both Penny

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