The next topic is on education where I presented two people, Jose and Antje both who earned the B.A. in Science with a focus on Biology. Jose works at a private pharmaceutical company and Antje is a biology professor. They each stressed they there are many opportunities in the field of sciences and biology which a lot of people don’t think of when before they choose a career path. There is a lot of traveling you get to experience and meeting other professionals in the same field. Jose’s challenges were not so much on a negative note on diversity because his teams were mostly a diverse group, although he says he has met very little professionals who are Hispanic and more of those who are of Indian and Asian ethnicity. Antje’s biggest challenge is inequality pay of women and minorities in the academia sector. Some changes they would like to see is for students to be more exposed and have hands on experience in the field with projects and visits to other schools. Educating our youth more on climate change is something Antje would like to see a change in. As far as diversity they are well represented in companies abroad than they are at the biology department. Students should speak up to have a more diverse faculty to better engage with. Marlene presented two others who have earned their B.A. in Kinesiology and the other in Liberal Arts. Richie and Karla, both recent graduates of CSUB, encourage students to not give up, that through hard work and dedication they can achieve
One topic that interested me was the nutrition and weight status goal. The goal for this topic is to “promote health and reduce chronic disease risk” by having a healthy diet and maintaining a healthy body weight. This has been a goal during the past decades and since it hasn’t been met in the past it is on this decade’s goal list again. This webpage talks about the importance of nutrition and a healthy weight along with the risks of being overweight. Those who take care of themselves by eating right and maintaining a healthy weight are less likely to develop chronic diseases, experience complications during pregnancy (women), and die at an earlier age. This webpage also gives statistics on how we are performing as a country. This is important to see what still needs to be done to achieve these goals by the end of the
Before the rewrite of the emergency preparedness plan could be started, the principal sent out forms to all the teachers and staff to find out what different types of special talents were in the building. The staff went through the forms and
Within the Exercise Science program, I was chosen to attend the Southeast American College of Sports Medicine (SEACSM)
No other subject has genuinely interested me to the same extent as sports and exercise science. Throughout my undergraduate career at UCCS, I took advantage of as many opportunities as possible to volunteer within the Sports Medicine Program. This included helping the graduate assistants with preseason testing of the Lacrosse, Baseball, and Track and Field teams by conducting performance assessments, as well as participating in research studies to gain experience in the field. I am increasingly fascinated by the science of strength and conditioning and the level of excitement I feel when I work with athletes solidifies my aspiration for a future in this career
As an undergraduate student at North Georgia, I have experienced some of the most memorable moments of my life, which include creating friendships, exploring new ways of thinking, and gaining newfound knowledge and perception of the world around me. The positive atmosphere that surrounds the college instills a unique sense of camaraderie between students and professors. The values and traditions implemented by the University have molded me into a more mature and rounded individual. Because of my success as an undergraduate at North Georgia, I wish to remain at this institution for the remainder of my college career. The doctorate of physical therapy program has persistently displayed student success through remarkable pass rates on the state
I am very dedicated to opening student’s eyes to show them how something as simply as physical activities can change their lives. Giving students confidence to be anything they want in life but it starts inside their bodies first.
As I conclude my last academic year at BHCC, I am proud to say that I am the first in my family to attend college. It has been a tremendous challenge to take three science courses in one semester and make it to the Dean’s List. It was challenging to work forty hours every week and attending college, at the same time, dealing with my mother being unwell. This was a traumatic experience. However, the harder I have worked, I can perceive that it’s worth the sacrifices I have made. I am driven by passion and challenges to accomplish my objectives. I am self-motivated and I am a man who
Over the course of many years the education system that we are all accustomed to today has faced much criticism. Many of these critics believe that the teachers are not helping these students really comprehend what they are learning. These teachers are more focused on having their students memorize the information, rather than really having them understand the knowledge they are receiving. Many others believe that both the teachers and the students should be learning from one another, instead of the teachers being this dictator that completely controls the class. This is where the “banking” concept of education comes in, “Education thus becomes an act of depositing, in which the students are the depositories and the teacher is the depositor” (Freire 318). In this system, the teacher teaches and the students
“Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.” - Nelson Mandela. Without education, there is simply no telling of what this world would be like. There wouldn’t be doctors, lawyers, businesses etc. Life and everything around us would be fatuous. Schools and education give us a plan in life and help guide us. Throughout the years education has changed tremendously. It had its improvements throughout the decades, and it also has had its falters as well. Education in America is an issue in this country and it definitely needs to be tweaked and improved. Education is what makes us people who we are and what we will be. Nelson Mandela had it right, there is no weapon more powerful than education.
Without a doubt education is the most essential part of learning process, where students are taught to be independent and encouraged critical thinking skills. There are various ways to which one can learn. Some of the most common methods used in teaching are “Banking Concept of Education” and “Problem Posing Style.” The different of methods teaching are studied in detail by Paulo Freire in “Banking Concept of Education” and by Richard Rodriguez in “Achievement of Desire.” Reading the both essays and looking at the educational experience of Richard Rodriguez, one can assume which kind of pedagogy was used. Looking through the perspective of Paulo Freire on the educational experiences of Rodriguez throughout his schooling career falls into “Banking concept of Education” because he priorities memorization, alienates from his family, lacks of personal ideas, and develops a habit to follow orders from instructors.
One of the most influential and dynamic sets of laws in the modern world is the set of laws governing education. Part of the reason education law is so dynamic is because of the varying opinions of the majority on what exactly education entails. It is incredibly influential because education affects every person on a day-to-day level; a good education can lead a person to great wealth, or happiness. A poor one can lead a person to abject failure, or perhaps strained subsistence. The most important thing to remember is that education is multifaceted - we are teachers, mentors, students, and leaders at different moments in our lives.
I have a tattoo on my arm that reads, “In teaching you will learn, in learning you will teach.” This Phil Collin’s lyric represents one of my core beliefs of being a successful teacher. I believe that students bring just as much, if not more, than a teacher does to the learning process. In my experiences, both as a student and a teacher, students learn best when they have a connection with their teacher and the material they are learning. This being stated, it is not always possible for a teacher to have a meaningful relationship with every one of their students and it is certainly not likely that students will find deep connections within each subject area of the required curriculum. There are, however, ways in which to expand and incorporate content into areas of student interest and work with students in the world that they are living in.
What is Education? Education is more than just a white or black board or a marker or
It is interesting to note that one of the most influential educators and researchers of all time was rejected for a professorship position because she was a woman and because she was overqualified (Fraenkel). Much to the benefit of present day curriculum development, the job rejection landed her in a series of positions that would eventually lead to her work with the U.S. Office of Education. Described as a short, squat, and spunky woman, Hilda Taba was notorious for her matter of fact, no nonsense approach in dealing with people (Krull, 481). Born in Estonia, in 1902, she received a German education, and then went on to study in the United States. The combination and the contrast of her two educations would later play an integral role in the formation of her curriculum ideals. Furthermore, her background in science contributed greatly to her scientific model of curriculum development (Hayes, 15).
Throughout the history of civilization, education has been an important tool in shaping an individual as well as the society that the individual is a part of. In the older civilizations, only the elite upper class had access to education. This kept these people at the top of the social ladder, and suppressed the common people who did not have access to the same education as the nobles. We have come a long way since then, with every child having access to a free high school degree. However, there is still some inequality in this modern education system that has similarities to the old injustices. In this day and age, a college degree is a great start for a young adult starting to enter the work force. According to a study conducted by Pew