
A Research Study On Education

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The next topic is on education where I presented two people, Jose and Antje both who earned the B.A. in Science with a focus on Biology. Jose works at a private pharmaceutical company and Antje is a biology professor. They each stressed they there are many opportunities in the field of sciences and biology which a lot of people don’t think of when before they choose a career path. There is a lot of traveling you get to experience and meeting other professionals in the same field. Jose’s challenges were not so much on a negative note on diversity because his teams were mostly a diverse group, although he says he has met very little professionals who are Hispanic and more of those who are of Indian and Asian ethnicity. Antje’s biggest challenge is inequality pay of women and minorities in the academia sector. Some changes they would like to see is for students to be more exposed and have hands on experience in the field with projects and visits to other schools. Educating our youth more on climate change is something Antje would like to see a change in. As far as diversity they are well represented in companies abroad than they are at the biology department. Students should speak up to have a more diverse faculty to better engage with. Marlene presented two others who have earned their B.A. in Kinesiology and the other in Liberal Arts. Richie and Karla, both recent graduates of CSUB, encourage students to not give up, that through hard work and dedication they can achieve

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