
Philosophy Of Education Analysis

Decent Essays

I have a tattoo on my arm that reads, “In teaching you will learn, in learning you will teach.” This Phil Collin’s lyric represents one of my core beliefs of being a successful teacher. I believe that students bring just as much, if not more, than a teacher does to the learning process. In my experiences, both as a student and a teacher, students learn best when they have a connection with their teacher and the material they are learning. This being stated, it is not always possible for a teacher to have a meaningful relationship with every one of their students and it is certainly not likely that students will find deep connections within each subject area of the required curriculum. There are, however, ways in which to expand and incorporate content into areas of student interest and work with students in the world that they are living in. …show more content…

395). In this line of thinking, education, as an act must constantly evolve to match the context of the modern world. This requires a willingness of educators to consistently adapt and of students to participate fully in their educations. This is a beautiful, democratic philosophy of education that in all honesty, is unattainable. Freire writes about education as an art. His arguments do not take into account that systematic approach to education. His examples and beliefs are rooted in ideology and do not address key elements of education in the modern world such as accountability, state standards, funding, and so forth. And so while Freire explicates optimistic reflections about the potential of education, there are few ideas that can be transferred into actual

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