A group Counseling Project Proposal - sample
What is Group Counseling?
Purpose of the group counseling varies from group to group. It can be therapeutic, educational, or helping people to make fundamental changes in their way of thinking, feeling and behaving (Corey, 2004, p. 7). Group counseling/therapy has the advantage of being more effective than individual therapy because, it more closely stimulates social interactions and interpersonal communication patterns than does individual counseling (Kottler, 2004, p. 260). The techniques and strategies use in group counseling are to help resolve members’ interpersonal conflict, promote greater self-awareness and insight, and help them work to eliminate their self-defeating
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The Centre has conducted more than fifty group-counseling programs in twenty schools in this community, both public and private, during the last four years. It also has conducted a variety of group counseling programs for the families, youth, college students, teacher training institutes, army, senior citizens and tourist resorts. Individual counseling service is also proceeding on a daily basis.
The following are a brief description of the type of group, the target population, basic purposes of the group, rationale for this group, requirements to join the group, and the theoretical approaches.
Type of Group: This proposal is aimed to conduct a short- term, “personal-growth type group”.
Population: The counseling group will be conducted for the adolescent male students of the Public Secondary Boy’s School. This is achieved through realistic goal setting by the group members with the guidance of the group leader. Purpose: The purpose of this group is to facilitate personal growth by enhancing self-esteem and developing a positive self-image, so that the members will gain self-awareness of their own feelings, personal values and needs. They also will increase self-understanding and self-acceptance for better functioning and leading a better life in the future.
Rational for the Group: The need for conducting a group counseling program for adolescents is crucial because they are in a very critical stage in their life. Group couselling for
The first time I personally experienced attending a group therapy was part of my course. Through this experience i can say that group therapy can be very powerful in healing a person emotionally and since the members were from the same class, where we all have similar goals. Group therapy helped all of us to establish meaningful and intimate relationship and we also recognised commanality of members needs and problems and to develop a sense of bonding and we became very close and we could also be there for each other during emotionally trying times.It also helped me to increase self-growth, self acceptance and self –confidence among oneself and group members. Group therapy is a powerful venue for growth and change. It also helped me in expressing my emotions in a healthy way.
In this paper, I discuss my experience with observing a group counseling session with the purpose of evaluating it in terms of how it is set up, how it is run, interventions used, culturally sensitivity, and the contribution toward my professional development as a social worker. The group setting plays a critical role in social work outside of the individual session and can be largely beneficial for clients in the forms of therapy, counseling, self-help, and support. By attempting to better understand group interventions, I will learn how to apply this strategy in aiding clients for whom this method is appropriate by increasing their social supports.
Within this specific scholarly, peer-reviewed article the problem that was assessed by the researchers was whether a couple different types of group counseling had any effects on ninth-grade at-risk students’ characteristics (Page, R.C., & Chandler, J., 1994). To become more specific with the problem the researchers wanted to address, null hypotheses were created that consisted of: “There will be no significant differences among the effects of activity-oriented self-concept building group counseling, discussion-oriented group counseling, and no group counseling on the self-concepts of the participants of these groups and There will be no significant differences among the effects of activity-oriented self-concept building group counseling, discussion-oriented group counseling, and no group counseling on problem school behaviors (including school attendance, academic performance, and numbers of disciplinary referrals) of the participants of these groups (Page, R. C. & Chandler, J., 1994). The sample used to carry out this study consisted of thirty-six out of
Since the environment among a school is not that of a clinic or an outside counseling practice, certain planning needs to occur while forming groups. Rather than client’s willingly signing up or seeking out a group, a survey would be completed by faculty and staff to identify potential group members. Students would also participate in the survey process, giving perception of their needs. These surveys would be a form of data collection necessary in addressing needs that could otherwise be unknown. Following this, a meeting with potential group members would take place individually. The students would be informed about the group and what they may gain from it. Expectations, participation and confidentially would also be discussed. From these meetings, the counselor would then be able to determine the student’s interest level and seriousness of need or participation. With careful evaluation, this screening leads to group selection. Informed consent would be introduced and could have been completes prior to the screening. Although minors need parental consent, it is still essential for all students participating to sign and understand the informed consent. Prior to the group meeting, it is the counselor’s
Jacobs, E. E., Masson, R. L., Harvill, R. L., & Schimmel, C. J. (2012). Group counseling: Strategies and skills (7th ed.). Belmont, CA: Brooks/Cole.
Looking for new and more effective ways to treat the issues of their clients, counselors and therapists may often begin to consider leading a group therapy session. Group therapy is a form of therapy in which a therapist either treats or provides psychoeducational skills to a small, carefully planned target group of individuals in an effort to ameliorate the issues and dysfunctions of each individual in that particular group of patients together (Scheidlinger, 2004). In this group, therapists often utilize some of the psychotherapy theories such as Gestalt, transactional analysis, psychotherapy or psychodrama which they often use to treat clients individually.
Jacobs, E. E. (2016). Group Counseling: Strategies and Skills, 8th Edition. [Bookshelf Online]. Retrieved from
The process of running a group therapy session is a unique time to tests a person’s skills abilities when it comes to facilitating that group. This paper will mainly look at ways when it comes to my learning's of this class that I took ways; I will also show examples and skills to run a good group therapy session. This whole paper is a reflection of the many things that I took was on being an active group counselor facilitator.
Adlerian group counseling can be considered a brief therapy with four phases: 1) Establishing and maintaining cohesive relationships with members: the therapy is based on relationship between equals based on cooperation and mutual respect. Both group leader and members work together toward mutually-agreed upon goals to facilitate change throughout the sessions (Corey, 2000). Through active participation in the group, members are provided with an opportunity to work on their issues and witness positive change within their peers which proves group works. 2) Analysis and Assessment - Exploring the Individual’s Dynamics: the aim is to understand an individual’s lifestyle and how it is affecting his/her current functioning in society. Group leaders can assess participants using different assessments such as: family constellation, birth
At one point in a person life, they will participated in a group whether it is part of a specific committee, therapy, or social group. In recent years, there has been a rise in counseling within a group forum veering from the tradition individual counseling. Therapists, physiologist, and counselors believe that form of counseling is beneficial to both counselor and client. This allows the counselor to help several clients at once rather than one at a time decreasing their strenuous workload and demanding work hours. This form of counseling integrate individual that share similar issues, struggles, and experiences into one forum. This not only allows the clients to learn from the therapist but from their fellow group members. The group experience
Throughout the counseling program for clinical mental health in Edinboro University, students will be required to take a course called group processes. In group processes, students will learn the necessary skills and knowledge of counseling in a group setting as a group facilitator. The course will focus on many topics such as 1) personal qualities. 2) world view. 3) beliefs. 4) values. 5) attitudes. 6) multicultural competencies. 7) students’ personal goals. 8) countertransference issues. 9) strengths and weaknesses. And 10) what students’ have learned throughout the assignments and experiences.
This article closely examines different ethical, legal, and treatment issues that arise in school group counseling. The author starts by looking at some of the psychological issues that effect school aged children. He also suggest some appropriate topics to offer group counseling on such as a divorce group, a drug and alcohol abuse group, or a physical abuse group. The article goes on to explain several different types of group intervention such as educational guidance groups, counseling groups, and therapy groups. Five different stages of groups; forming stage, storming stage, norming
The counseling session goes through various characteristics. At the very earliest stage, the participants test the new relationship with the leader and with each other, and the leader, in a way, experiments too with the new relationship with the participators assessing which techniques would be best to employ with them and whether or not there is a match. As with all acquaintances, some work and some do not, and the earliest stages of the group session are a prelude to the future of the success of the group. Exploration is tentative, members learn the rules of this new game and the leader, in turn, learns how to act with participators.
As I began the Group Process and Dynamics course, I was excited to become educated and experienced with group counseling. Group counseling is a topic I have enjoyed in the past and have continued to be fascinated by. I have learned the elements of a group process through observation and research. The group process consists of several elements that come together when the group begins and ends when the group is terminated. I have observed group norms, group cohesion, the generation of trust, the manifestation of resistance, the emergence of conflict and resolution, healing forces, the reactions of group members, and the various stages a group develops through (Corey, Corey, & Corey, 2010). Throughout this course, I was able to derive a conceptualization of groups. From this course I will take with me the understanding of how effective group counseling can be for individuals. Groups have been known to be as effective as individual therapy and a great source of treatment. Group counseling is designed as a part of a treatment plan that helps individuals and guide them through change. Group counseling is a versatile practice, which can be used in several settings and with different populations (Corey et al., 2010). This course has given me the opportunity to reflect on my own personal leadership style, the challenges that may arise, and an action plan to continue my group leadership knowledge and skills.
Group counseling may be adverted to as a course of counseling, which takes a group of people coming together under one or more trained therapists, who simultaneously facilitate them and promote them to help one another to overcome their challenges. The group members are usually peers who may not necessarily face the same problem, but their problems may be linked. According to Jacobs, Masson, Harvill and Schimmel (2012), all members in a counseling group wish and desire personal growth. This kind of therapy has been employed over the years and it has produced excellent results in the lives of the group members.