
A Short Note On Diabetes Mellitus And Impaired Glucose Tolerance

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Jodie Tran
MED 2056
VNFT 030
Diabetes Mellitus Research Paper
Annabelle V. Anglo

Diabetes mellitus has various types such as type 1 diabetes, type 2 diabetes, gestational diabetes and impaired glucose tolerance. In our body, the pancreas produces a hormone called insulin to regulate metabolism. If our body cannot produce this hormone, the glucose cannot enter the body cells, and the blood glucose level will rise. The body may begin experience symptoms of hyperglycemia, and this process is the development of diabetes mellitus. According 2014 National Diabetes Statistic Report from, there were "29.1 million people or 9.3% of the population have diabetes". The number has increased in recent years because many …show more content…

In the short term goals, the clients need to demonstrate understanding of the interconnection of diet, activities, insulin administration, and blood glucose monitoring in diabetes control. In the long term goals, the client will maintain to write a log of insulin administration and their monitoring of blood glucose level, bring it with them at next visit appointment. Also, the clients will be able to integrate diabetes into their lifestyles. “Nurses who develop educational activities for young children with T1DM should address not only physical aspects ( blood sugar monitoring, insulin administration, diet, and exercise management), but also focus on interacting with the child, participating and understanding the experiences of pain, increasing understanding of the disease, and improving the child 's quality of life, particularly the emotional and psychosocial aspects" (Pediatric Nursing, 2015). Type 2 diabetes can occur at any age. "More than 80% of clients are overweight and do not always experience classic symptoms."(Rosdahl, 2012). The pancreas still produces the insulin. The clients do not depend on injection insulin to sustain life, but they may require insulin for adequate glucose control. The risk factors include heredity, obesity, age, stress, and lack of exercise. The

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