‘He was pushing the bushes and tree branches to the side, making his way through the cold and dark forest.’ Said grandma Lizzie. ‘It was fine until,’ she lifted her arm and… ‘OUCH! Snake bite!’ screamed grandma hitting the wooden table. Amanda and Stephen jumped back scared, as the loud bang echoed inside their ears. Suddenly, loud thunder storms started, and the clouds started heavily crying. Moments later the windows opened and let the cold air inside. ‘What’s going on?’ cried Stephen. ‘It shouldn’t be this cold, it’s summer.’ Stephen was confused. Everyone was confused. ‘I remember this happened to your father one time’ mentioned grandma, stroking her chin. ‘It was all over the newspapers and radios’. Grandma rushed to her room and came back with a small tin box. There were cut outs about an old article and pictures of Amanda and Stephen’s father. ‘Someone had sent a missile towards the sun,’ explained Lizzie, as she flipped through the cut outs. ‘the weather changed, and your father was sent out to stop whoever did this. Now it’s happening again.’. Amanda stood up and quickly glanced out the window. ‘I can do this!’ said Amanda, with a confident look on her face. ‘If dad did it, I can do it!’ Grandma Lizzie shook her head and stared at the ground in disagreement. Amanda’s dad died when he tried to stop whoever changed the seasons, Lizzie didn’t want the same to happen with her only grandchildren. ‘She won’t do it by herself.’ Stephen stood up with Amanda. The day
She ran as fast as her feet could take her. The moonlight weaved in and out of the branches illuminating spots she could reach. She did not dare to turn back to look over her shoulder because she knew it is how the killer always got the victim. Her white slip teared when it got snagged against a branch. Her fingers gripped the silk material and held it together by the tattered seams. She quickly began her escape once more and found a clearing from the icy branches.
As the sun was rising the RV returned in the same spot that it was before parked right in front of us. The door flew open and Dad came flying out the door.Negan then spoke "Let me ask you something, Rick. Do you even know what that little trip was about?" Dad didn't know how to answer him and was looking around in shock and disbelief. Negan then yelled "Speak when you're spoken to." Which made me jump at the sudden elevation in his voice. Dad said "Okay, Okay." Negan said "It was about the way you looked at me I wanted to change that.I wanted you to understand.But you're still looking at me the same damn way like I shit in your scrambled eggs, and that's not gonna work. So do I give you another chance?" Dad said "Yeah." Negan laughed and said "Alright.And here it is -- the grand-prize game. What you do next will decide whether your crap day becomes everyone's last crap day or just another crap day. Get some guns to the back of their heads.Now level with their noses, so if you have to fire it'll be a real mess."Negan pointed to Carl and said "Kid right here. Kidnow." Carl got up and walked over to Negan and as Carl walked over to him Negan smiled at me. Then he looked back at Carl and said "You a southpaw?" Carl asked "Am I a what?" Negan rephrased "You a lefty?" Carl said "No." "Negan said "Good." and he took off his belt and wrapped it around Carl's arm and asked "That hurt?" "No." Carl replied. Negan had a smile on his face and said "Should. It's supposed to. Alright get
Nat pulled a stool forward and sat down, leaning forward put the cigarette up to the top of the flame, the flame lapped at the cigarette for a while until the end glowed red like the embers of the fire. Nat withdrew the cigarette from the flame, put it up to his mouth, hesitating then sighed and gently put the cigarette in between his lips. It hung downwards, as he drew in a deep breathe, allowing the smoke to fill his mouth, he gently blew out and watched the blue-grey smoke filled the air around him. “Tomorrow, during the next tide, I’ll have to go out and see if there are any survivors,” Nat sighed, “If we can find anyone maybe they’ll know of a safe place.”
When Mrs. Chipley and Sally climbed the stone steps to Aunt Sarah’s porch, the great winds slapped them across their faces in frustration that they had escaped the rain. The sky was dark with night and storm clouds. Mrs. Chipley rapped the oak door. Soon the door was ajar, and it emitted a low voice.
A humming engine roars through the brisk morning air. Two men dressed in grey suits drive in a white car, their dress matching the dull sky. The driver has light brown hair, slicked straight back. His partner in the passenger seat sports dark hair and dark brown eyes, his short hair parted to one side.
“You knew our granddaughter was pregnant,” Margaret said, thinking that eventually, someone would tell them.
attention was drawn to the skid marks we had seen on our entry to the
Early the next day, Tovi stared at her reflection in the mirror mounted on the wall, tucked her shirt into her pants and then left her room and entered the living room where John watched television.
His cell phone was buzzing his head felt like it was going to split open. Reaching blindly for the phone until he found it he swiped the answer button.
The winter air of New York stung her face as she stepped off the train platform. After what felt like hours on the train from Pennsylvania, she welcomed the fresh air. She had a lovely time visiting her relatives; however, she was glad to be back home in the city. Her eyes were heavy with sleep, but it would still be some time before she could make it home to rest. She decided to wait until the crowd of passengers hailing taxis thinned out to claim her own.
“ No one can know that I killed her, got it john?” Okay lizzy, I understand. But what if- what do you mean what if john, there’s no what if’s there has to be no evidence that I killed her, so drive over here and bring plastic wrap. Do you think that’ll be good enough? John stuttered and then replied back to lizzy with a yes. While john is driving over to get lizzy and the dead girl, he sees a cop out of the corner of his eye, and starts to panic. Everything changed that night, the world and his friends aren’t what they use to be anymore, the girl he thought he knew, had some issues he or no one never knew.
“Oh Tia”, her grandma said. “That’s because I didn’t make it up. This is true and it happened while my sister Jean was working at Lidtke Mill”
“You ever wish you’d done something else?” Mac asked. “Gone out in the world a bit?”
“You’re in danger. There are things I need to tell you but can’t” he said.
Boom! “Chewie run!” ,Hold on you are probably wondering what is happening or what is going on well let me tell you. This all started about 3 years ago in plano Texas I was two days from moving so ,i was so excited but also the problem with me at the time was that I hate my family i thought they only cared about my siblings and so I mainly stayed in my room. I was walking home and then I saw a white schnauzer in the grass and he looked like h hadn’t eaten in two days so I tried waking him up but then. He woke up and bit me and then I tried to calm him down and I was successful then he trusted me so I brought him home. I walked then he ran in and found my room but when I walked in my mom her me so she exclaimed, “ Ethan how was school?” “It was good mom,” I said angrily. My mom said to my dad, “we need to talk to him and tell him that we do care about him and not just his siblings.” “agreed.” Now let's get back to me upstairs. So I asked myself ,outloud why was he out there then he heard some how he answered “I escaped S.O.P.E” “What did you just say?” “You heard me.” Then the next day he told me everything.