
A Small Group

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The small group can be defined as a group that have at least three and no more than fifteen members working independently for accomplishing goal (Myers A., & Anderson C., 2008). Communication in a small group is a necessary component of the life of every individual in the world. People use communication to transfer information to others. Even at work people used to be a part of a small group in order to accomplish some project or express their views on some topic. Learning how to work effectively in a group situation is key to success in many professions as well as in social situations. This is not an easy task because the group is composed by different type of personality; so different point of view. This makes the work difficult, but encountering and working with different temperaments and personalities, we are developing ourselves, we are socializing, and of course, we achieve a completely unique the results of our work by our dissimilarity and heterogeneity Socialization is a central concept, which in its widest application refers to all those complex and multi-faceted processes and social interactions that turn the human into an active participating member of a society (O’Sullivan T., Hartley J., & Saunders D., 1994). In short, the term refers to the ways in which we both become and are made social. However, I want to emphasize the importance exactly of small group socialization. The social psychologists Moreland R. and Levine J. (1982) expressed the term of

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