
A Study On The Behavior Of A Human Cell

Good Essays

Author: Nolan Parks
Date: 11/8/15
Word count (for body of text): 581
TurnItIn Score: Click & type
Attempt #: 1
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Title: Tetrahymena Mating

Tetrahymena are often found in fresh water ponds, lakes, and streams. The cells are quite large and their complexity rivals that of a human cell. This makes them a good alternative to things like human tissues. The cells do not cost much to grow and require little resources to culture effectively (Ciliate Genomics, nd). They are ciliate protozoa. Like humans, they mate, but for different reasons. They do not mate to reproduce, they mate to survive. There are seven different sexes and they numbered one through seven. This high number of sexes opens up many doors in the world of mating, therefore Tetrahymena are not as limited as other creatures on Earth. For example, Humans only have two sexes which limit us drastically in the world of mating (Zoologger, 2015). In order for Tetrahymena to mate the cells must be starved of nutrients, mature, and must be a different sex. The same two sexes cannot mate (Ciliate Genomics, nd).
Tetrahymena have two nuclei. The germline nucleus and the somatic nucleus. The germline nucleus is also known as the micro nucleus, which controls the complicated sex life. The macronucleus, or somatic nucleus, deals with the everyday functions of the cell (Zoologger, 2015). The Gender of the offspring cells is determined during the mating. Fertilization results in a new micro and macro

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