
A Study On The Healthcare Industry Essay

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The Healthcare Industry in our country is run more like a business than any other healthcare system in the world. Insurance companies have a big impact on patient care and treatment by dictating which test or treatments will be reimbursed. The hospital administrators are constantly reviewing budgets and patient 's length of stay to ensure that they remain profitable and viable. Nurse to patient ratio has been a topic of high interest in the past few years. Depending on where the nurse works, they will have a range of 30 to 50 patients during one shift, not to mention the admissions and discharges. As the work load of a nurse increases, corners will be cut to keep up with the pace of the environment. Is there a relationship between the number of patients that a nurse cares for and the outcome the patient has along with the length of stay and costs of hospitalization? A nurse can be educated and versatile in their skill, but if they are overworked and have many patients, their time and interaction with each patient is limited and short, there will be a negative effect on the patient 's outcome. Many factors influence the care the nurse provides to their patients. The nurse can be overwhelmed when the floor or unit is short staffed. This will increase the workload as the workload increases, the nurses will have to critically think of ways to provide care quickly and efficiently. Patient interaction time will decrease. Low morality leads to stress, leads to decrease

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