
A University Of Colorado Essay Questions Essay

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University of Colorado Essay Questions

(1) Fit: Please describe your fit with our program. Specifically, discuss your (a) relevant clinical, research, and/or educational experiences, (b) why our scientist-practitioner program in Clinical Health Psychology is a good fit for you, and (c) which core faculty member(s) you most want to work with and why.

A) When I think of what makes me a good fit for the Clinical Health Psychology program at the University of Colorado, what stands out is my unique academic and professional background. My education includes a bachelor 's in psychology, a master 's in counseling psychology and an MBA. I guess you could say, learning and growing is something I love to do. For the past seven years I’ve used this education to pursue a career in consumer insights which included collecting and analyzing customer data, publishing several white papers and consulting on research projects for well-known companies such as Blue Cross Blue Shield, Nestlé and Procter & Gamble. I believe this combination of experiences has made me a better writer, a better listener and, ultimately, a better researcher.

B) After researching a variety of Ph.D. programs, I knew I wanted to attend a university that used a scientist-practitioner model. For me, this pairing is the best fit because it embodies a crucial well-roundedness that I want not only in my education as a student, but also in the career I hope to have after graduation. It’s my goal to always be an

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