
A Very Old Man With Enormous Wings Essay

Decent Essays

A Very Old Man with Enormous Wings Critical Review In “A Very Old Man with Enormous Wings” by Gabriel García Márquez, a curious man appears preceding curious circumstances. After his child takes ill, Pelayo finds an old decrepit man -who possesses wings- lying in the mud. Deciding that this man must be an angel coming to take their sick child, Pelayo and his wife Elisenda contain the man in a chicken coop and begin to advertise him as an attraction, but he is soon forgotten. Alas, when the couple thinks he will perish, he regains his strength and takes to the sky. Marquez uses this story to depict the way we react to things that are foreign to us by example of the old man, and to represent the ease with which we sacrifice others. Marquez begins by playing on an essential part of human nature: fear. When Pelayo discovered the winged man, he was dumbstruck. Marquez writes, “He had to go very close to see that it was an old man, a very old man, lying face down in the mud, who, in spite of his tremendous efforts, couldn’t get up, impeded by his enormous wings. Frightened by that nightmare, Pelayo ran to get Elisenda, his wife, who was putting compresses on the sick child, and he took …show more content…

Would you, though, if the cost was the quality of life of another? Marquez’s protagonist had no issue with it. “Elisenda, her spine all twisted from sweeping up so much marketplace trash, then got the idea of fencing in the yard and charging five cents admission to see the angel,” he writes. Despite the fact that the angel has saved their child, Pelayo and Elisenda are content keeping the man encaged because they are profiting from his misery. By including this in his story, Marquez addresses the habit of exploiting those who are different, but also, he opens our eyes to a real life occurrence that happens all too often. The story helps us to realize how easy it is to take advantage of those who do good things for

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