
ADHD Medication Survey Report

Satisfactory Essays

A survey was conducted on coalition to prevent ADHD medication misuse to inform the educational efforts. With this survey, the main idea was to find why students choose to misuse and how they handle situations under pressure. There are campaigns developed to help prevent nonmedical use of ADHD prescription stimulants.
Attitudes and Perceptions
In this article it said that most of the students who chose to misuse ADHD prescription because they desire to get good grades. In my opinion a lot of students have so much pressure on them to pass and be successful they choose to misuse the stimulants. That is why I always questioned will this help any student pass even if they are misusing the stimulants. I think they should not break any rules and …show more content…

Since it is illegal to share the prescription I agree that they should not share it with others. It can be harmful to them because as stated in the article they can be faking it and really does not need it. Even if the person decides to share it the other person should not accept it because if they are not prescribed why are they sharing the prescriptions. Sometimes people feel that if a friend is doing it is better for them too if they follow what they are doing. I think that is where they make the mistake because they should not feel that way or follow someone else. Especially the one who is faking it how will that help you because you will still feel the same way afterwards. I think some of them have this thought in mind and they just trust that voice in their mind that this is the only way for help when there are so many options.
In schools in my opinion I think they should talk about the misuse of ADHD prescription. Since they say half of the results are that they do not clearly discuss the misuse of the stimulants. I think if they discuss and have programs on how the misuse should be stopped and also explain to the students how dangerous it can be to share the prescription on campus. Some say professors do not know I do not think the professor is at fault for this because they do not follow the students around everywhere since they only see the student in class and not outside.

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