Colleen exhibits her ability to suggest better ways to do work by testing, demonstrating and training for using the AMS batch artwork work capabilities. She encourages others to try this capability to help them improve efficiencies when approving multiple (single page) art work. Colleen is willing to try new ideas, take calculated risks and learn from failure. An example of this is her work with the system core team to revamp both the AMS and DAM system training. She solicited feedback from others and observed what resonated with the attendees to make these changes. She took risks on how to present the training and continues to make adjustments to make it more engaging and impactful for our system users. Colleen continuously demonstrates her ability to solve problems and suggest solutions. A few examples include working with our implementer to find a work around when MP4 files under 10 seconds would not ingest into DAM. A second example was offering …show more content…
She demonstrated this ability when providing a recommendation for a new Cognos report to ensure the necessary metadata is associated with our assets. She worked with our DAM implementer to learn what was possible and she worked with the DAM business analyst to determine what was required. She provided the rationale to her manager on how this solution would provide the necessary data. This will be report has been moved to our production site and will be available for use by the end of November. Colleen regularly suggests better ways to do work; and offers recommendations for reducing low value work. As an example, she provided a variety of solutions on how to efficiently use DAM to deliver social media images to our IBCs. Based on her recommendations a more seamless process was implemented, making these assets available for our Mary Kay markets to provide to our
Exemplified strong attention to detail and problem solving expertise to develop analysis and process improvement recommendations to create solutions that drive measureable desired results while meeting client and team satisfaction.
Marie is the department manager at Verve, Inc. She has been working in the position for five years. Marie starts every Monday morning with a 60-minute department meeting where each member in the department gets five minutes to report progress, share stories of success and failure, and seek general input, advice, and information. Jeremy is responsible for sharing an anecdote, an
“She’s one of the most hard-working, dedicated employees we have on staff,” she said. “She consistently goes above and beyond.”
She was on the unit interviewing committee for 2 new nurses hired in March 2016. She provided useful insight to the 5 candidates interviewed.
able to identify Wes’s issues and find the best solution. This is exemplified when Joy is
Since day one of my management relationship with Jenny, she has been on a mission toward an ambitious vision of high achievement, critical thinking, self-efficacy, and culturally responsive & responsible teaching and learning. There was a never a day or moment when she was not constantly striving to operate
Planning and Organizing: Christina will continue to effectively plan her assigned tasks to balance peak and/or slack time to meet the unit's strategic goals, as well as continue to maintain an orderly and well organized workspace.
My time as a Process Analyst has given me the ability to formulate standardized methods of completing processes. At RBC I played a significant part in helping onboarding new employees through developing training rotation, creating video aids, and authoring a documentation maintenance repository. My presentation skills matured through numerous briefings to executive stakeholders on the benefits of video captures.
She is of the opinion that MCH professionals that design programs have greater roles as they can aid in system delivery thus ensuring optimal
Leah is a pod representative in my hall government and when our hall was challenged with the Halloween haunted house, Leah stepped up and met the expectation with flying colors. No one expected her to do all the work she did and the best part was she continuously told me she
“She was able to answer all our questions about the subject and provided us with information and resources to further our learning. I felt prepared for the next school year.”
Angelica Rae Willis was the distinguished speaker that delivered such a great message. She is a student at A&T with a passion for academic excellence and using software engineering to advance humanity. She has maintained a 4.0 GPA while being a student ambassador to the White House through the White House HBCU All-Stars program, an Apple HBCU Scholar and more in addition to her being the first NC A&T student to become
Latrice is a conscientious, self-motivated employee. Since she is the only woman on the confined spaces team, she works extremely hard to assure that her task is handled safely and in an organized manner. Latrice worked hard to solidify her position on the team and she immediately became a company favorite. Because of Latrice’s commitment to work, she gained countless leadership positions and accolades. Upper management constantly praises Latrice for her exceptional work.
Several barriers stood in Lisa’s path of becoming a partner. One such barrier was the fact that even though her credentials, commendations, and work ethic were extremely high, she was never respected by the CEO, Michael Breyer, as someone who deserved to be on an executive level. His
With Janice’s public relations background she fit the positions requirements the best of all seven candidates. Being a natural networker who is both creative and single minded at getting what she wants. This single mindedness made it easy for me to see how I could manage her through the utilization of rewards to accomplish the team goals and maintain team efficacy.