Today, consumers are buying brands rather than buying a product or service. Today’s consumers choose to buy a particular brand which reflects their feelings more and make them to feel belong to the desired lifestyle. In this context, it is necessary for the brands to establish emotional bond and communicate with the consumers constantly. Brands setting off on a quest of various strategies in order to establish that emotional bond between the consumers, keep their existence and develop their brand along with overwhelming conditions of competition.
Nowadays, many customers making their purchasing decision depending on brand rather than looking on product /service eligibility to satisfy their needs. The brands of product and services for customers
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Aaker’s four dimensions of brand equity represent consumer perceptions and emotions to the brand, while intangible brand assets are not suitable for consumer based brand equity.
According to Keller (1993), consumer based brand equity strictly understood from a consumer psychology perspective and he defined it as the distinguishing effect of brand knowledge on response of consumer to the marketing of the given brand. By this theoretical approach, brand has a positive or negative value if the consumer reacts more or less favourably to the product’s marketing mix of which he/she knows the brand name than to the marketing mix of an almost same but unbranded product. Consumer response to the brand’s marketing mix can be translated at various stages of the purchase decision making gradual chain such as preferences, intention of choice and actual choice. Keller (1993) states that, brand knowledge is a key point in consumer based brand equity and is conceptualized as a brand node in memory to which different associations have been linked. Brand knowledge is then divided into two separate constructs: brand awareness and brand
Brand equity is a consumer-based concept (Elliot 2017) and strategic asset of a company that encompasses the idea of the added value a brand contributes to a product. Influenced by consumer choices, it is the characteristic of a brand that indicates high levels of performance and determines the success of companies.
Brand equity is defined as the name, sign, term, symbol or design of what makes the goods or services different from those competitors and for seller groups. Although, the meaning indicates that it is the added value that has been brought with product or service; reflecting the consumers’ response: satisfaction, expectations, etc.
Suggested by counsulting company Young & Rubicam, based on their Brand Asset Valuator, four dimensions in measuring the brand strength are:
The CBBE model approaches brand equity from the perspective of the customer – whether customer is an individual or an organization. The CBBE model provides a unique point of view as to what brand equity is and how it should best be built, measured and managed. The power of a brand lies in what customers have learned, felt, seen and heard about the brand as a result of their experiences over time. The big challenge for marketers is to ensure that customers have the right type of experiences with their products and services. In order to do this, marketers must develop marketing programs in way that best fit into customers’ mind and linked the brand to the desire customers’ feelings,
1. Aaker, D. A., (1996) ‘Measuring Brand Equity Across Products and Markets’, California Management Review, 38 (3) pp.102-120
Successfully building, managing, and tracking the brand equity of brands are main goals of brand management. The brand strategies are flexible to fit the increasing competitive market and customers’ brand knowledge. It is more and more difficult to maintain the customer’s brand loyalty. Thus, it becomes crucial to understand brand equity and brand building processes
The purpose of this note is to provide an overview and references on the various methods that can be used to measure brand knowledge (brand awareness and brand image), brand equity and brand value. This note provides a short definition of each concept and illustrations of the most widely-used measurement techniques. Once you know what you want to measure, it is important to look at the original sources cited to understand how to properly use these techniques. Кеller’s (2003) ехсеllеnt book also provides detailed information on each concept and its
Components of a brand equity is emanated through brand strength and brand awareness. Any product that exist is always connected with the brand.
The purpose of this study is to discuss and elaborate the main issues encountered in managing brand equity. In order to achieve this purpose, we first analyse the concept of brand equity; second, we provide a comprehensive framework for managing brand equity; and finally, we distinguish different ways to leverage and measure brand equity. The concept of brand equity emerged in the early 1990s. Brand equity can be regarded as a managerial concept, as a financial intangible asset, as a relationship concept or as a customer-based concept from the perspective of the individual consumer. The main asset dimensions of brand
The value given to the brand by the consumer is the brand’s equity. The brand obtains its
This results in the consumers differentiating the brand from its competitors as a result of likelihood of consumers purchasing the brand. Hsieh & Huang, 2013 also suggested “the connection between brand and brand image is complementary. A positive image not only shows the characteristic of a brand, catching people’s attention, but also promotes the positive merits and values of a brand, as well as the loyalty of consumers.” Hence, the author believes that as brand image is described as a perceptual phenomenon also acts as an important factor that contributes to the perception differences among
The brand loyalty of the customer base is often the core of a brand's equity. If customers are indifferent to the brand and, in fact, buy with respect to features, price, and convenience with little concern to the brand name, there is likely little equity. If, on the other hand, they continue to purchase the brand even in the face of competitors
However, two questions often arise; What makes a brand strong and how do you build a strong brand. Keller developed the Customer-Based Brand Equity (CBBE) model on how to build a strong brand by following four steps (2001). It provides a unique perspective on what brand equity is and how a brand should be built, measured and managed. The four dimensions represent fundamental questions that customers invariably ask about brands and relate to brand identity, brand meaning, brand responses and brand
The article is explained according to three important perspectives that is from the view point of the practitioner, the consumer and the scholar. A major point in branding is the brand image. In conclusion it explain how the brand is considered as the core of marketing and how everything evolves around the brand within the company.
Brand is a term that enables the pubic to easily identify a certain company, their offerings in term of goods and product. It is the image that a certain company produces to the public. Brand is a set of expectations, memories, stories and relationship that engaged together, for a consumer’s choice to choose a product or service.