
Abbreviations. Anm Auxiliary Nurse Midwife. Chc Community

Decent Essays


ANM Auxiliary Nurse Midwife
CHC Community Health Center
CNE Continuing Nursing Education
INC Indian Nursing Council
KNMC Kerala Nurses and Midwives Council
MO Medical Officer
PHC Primary Health Center
TNAI Trained Nurses’ Association of India
GNM General Nursing and Midwifery
JPHN Junior Public Health Nurse
NCD Non Communicable Disease
JHI Junior Health Inspector
GO Government Order
DNO District Nursing Officer
ADNS Additional Director of Nursing Services
NS Nursing Superintendent
NO Nursing Officer
DMOH District Medical Officer of Health



1.1 Introduction
Nurses and midwives are the largest group of health workers who provide a wide …show more content…

This is rather contradictory given the fact that Kerala produces a major proportion of graduate and diploma nurses every year and most of the institutions that provide nursing programs fare quite decently with regard to quality of education and training facilities.
The study is aimed at understanding the different roles and responsibilities nursing personnel carry out in a district health service system in the context of Kerala. This will help to draw inferences upon what the nurses are expected to do legally and what they actually do. These observations shall form the base upon which suggestions regarding the rationalization of the professional practice can be made. With the education and training nurses receive it would be highly beneficial for the health system if their expertise is rightly tapped within the system.

1.2 Statement of the Problem
Nurses if optimally utilized in the health care system can have a great impact in the health outcomes of the population as well as on a larger note in bringing down the cost of health care in a system. However nursing remains a largely unexplored area when it comes to its actual utilization in India. The scenario remains largely the same, perhaps marginally better when it comes to the public health care sector in Kerala. There is a dire need to focus more on the comprehensive utilization of

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