
Abina And The Important Men Essay

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Yilin Lyu In the 19th century, technological improvements enabled many European nations to enlarge their power and have greater impact on other parts of the world. Those impacts are clearly demonstrated in the book Abina and the Important Men and the source Fifty Years of New Japan. Abina and the Important Men views on how a young woman from Gold Coast, West Africa in the 1870s failed to declare her own freedom in a local British dominated court. The source Fifty Years of New Japan demonstrates how Japan had modernized in fifty years with adoption of European cultural practices. Because the Gold Coast was a crown colony of the British empire, change made by European culture and power was in favor of the interest of Britain. Indigenous people respond to such changes differently based on their different social status. Japan, on the other hand, was independently adopting western cultural practices for modernization, so Japan was able to better improve herself by learning about the Western Civilization. …show more content…

In the 19th century, Britain found out the trade of palm oil with West Africa was a lucrative business. Palm oil as a cheap, raw material could be used for machine lubricant and the production of soap. This encouraged the British to invest more effort into the Gold Coast to gain economic benefit for the British empire. In order to gain more profit from palm oil trade and extend its power, Britain drove other European powers out of the region and created a colony and protectorate in the Gold Coast. The creation of a colony gave Britain the power to formally rule the region while the protectorate had to accept certain rules from the British

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