
Abnormal Fetal Position Report

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In the final weeks of your pregnancy, your baby usually moves into a head-down (vertex) position to get ready for birth. As a normal delivery proceeds through the stages of labor, the baby tucks in the chin and turns to face your back. In this position, the back of your baby's head starts to show (crown) first. Sometimes your baby may be in a different, abnormal position just before birth. These positions are called malpositions or malpresentations. Giving birth can be more difficult if your baby is in an abnormal position.
Your health care provider can diagnose an abnormal fetal position during a physical exam as your due date approaches. An abnormal fetal position may be found by feeling your belly and by doing an internal (pelvic) exam. A sound wave …show more content…

There are five main abnormal fetal positions:
Occiput posterior presentation. This is the most common abnormal fetal position. It is sometimes called the "sunny-side up" position because your baby's face points toward your front instead of your back.
Breech presentation. This is the next most common abnormal position. In this position, your baby's bottom or feet are in position to come out first.
A face or brow presentation. In this position, your baby is head down but the face or front of the head crowns first. This is not common.
A compound presentation. In this position, your baby's hand or leg comes out along with the head or bottom. This is not common.
A transverse presentation. In this position, your baby is lying sideways across your birth canal. Your baby's shoulder may come out first.
What causes an abnormal fetal position?
In many cases, there is no known cause for an abnormal fetal position. You may be at higher risk of having a baby in an abnormal fetal position if:
You have an abnormally shaped womb (uterus) or pelvis.
You have growths in your uterus, such as fibroids.
Your placenta is large or in an abnormal position.
You are having twins or

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