
Aboriginal Heritage Essay

Decent Essays

The Awabakal and Worimi people are acknowledged by Council as the traditional custodians of the land of Newcastle. (
The Elder’s connectedness to places and communities is interconnected through dreaming stories. Biraban, the eagle hawk, is regarded and respected very highly by the coastal tribes. Respect to the eagle hawk is conveyed through stories and are associated to social structures of their tribe.
Upon speaking to a librarian, it was bought to my attention that The City of Newcastle undertook a city wide study of Aboriginal heritage in 2003 that was then accepted by Council in December 2005. The study supported the development of a management framework for the identification, consideration and management of Aboriginal cultural …show more content…

- Aboriginal community members are to be pivotal in the identification, assessment, and management of Aboriginal cultural heritage, as it is primarily Aboriginal people who should determine the significance of their heritage.
- Places of Aboriginal cultural value within the Newcastle LGA are to be actively conserved and managed to retain those cultural values. Appropriate conservation action will vary according to the level of significance.
- Aboriginal cultural heritage is to be actively managed during the development process, to ensure appropriate conservation and impact mitigation outcomes are achieved.
- Compliance with relevant statutory controls, specifically the National Parks and Wildlife Act (1974) and the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act (1979), is to be required for all development and heritage programs.
- Sustainable, ongoing management strategies for Aboriginal cultural heritage should be promoted within Council and the broader community, through heritage training for Council personnel and public interpretation

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