
Aboriginal Legal System

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The complex nature of the legal system allows it to be both effective and ineffective in ensuring compliance with the law regarding contemporary issues involving the rights of Indigenous Peoples. The legal system is often unable to ensure complete compliance but ensures it effectively through legislation and common laws implemented in Indigenous Peoples area of ‘loss of cultural rights including language’, ‘land rights’, ‘legal rights to natural resources’ and ‘intellectual property rights’.
Any United Nations-system body has never adopted a definition of the concept of “indigenous peoples”, although a developing definition of this cultural group may include, “Indigenous communities, peoples and nations are those which, having a historical …show more content…

Between 1910 and 1970, many Indigenous children were forcibly removed from their families because of a range of various government policies. Since there were a lot of children removed due to these policies, Australia since named it the Stolen Generation. The policies of child removal left a legacy of trauma and loss that continues to affect Indigenous communities, families and individuals, even to this day. The children that were taken from their parents were taught to reject their Indigenous heritage, and were taught to adopt the ‘white’ culture. Their names were changed, and they were forbidden to speak their traditional language, having to learn the english language. Some were adopted by white families, and many were placed in institutions, where abuse and neglect were …show more content…

For an Indigenous Person especially, natural resources constitute the basis of their livelihood, culture and identity. Supporting indigenous peoples to secure and defend their land and natural resource rights helps to develop frameworks for sustainable management of their lands, territories and resources for everyone else. The International Work Group for Indigenous Affairs is an International group that supports Indigenous partner organizations to lobby for the recognition of their collective rights to land and natural resources in laws and policies. They also carry out awareness raising activities, file court cases, undertake land demarcation and mapping, apply for land titles and develop land-use and management plans. Some of the work they have done for Indigenous Peoples include helping Indigenous groups with the development of their culture and identity, supporting Indigenous people’s rights to land and natural resources in Africa, territorial defence in the Peruvian Amazon, assisting indigenous communities in obtaining land titles in the Philippines and even restoring community rights over ancestral forests in India. This group proves to be a very effective measure in achieving recognition for the rights of natural resources for Indigenous Peoples in the way it ensures the protection of their access to natural resources at their own

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