
Abortion Essay

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On January 22, 1973 abortion was legalized in the U.S., all 50 states. That is when everything changed the way people thought; the way people acted, and treated themselves. Most people then though it was okay for abortion to take place since it was legalized, which is not the case. My view on abortion is different than the way others may view it. Abortion to me is harmful, extremely horrible, and very saddening. Many may use it as an escape route and think it is okay but it’s not, you’re killing a human. Abortion is the deliberate termination of a human pregnancy most often preformed during the first 28 weeks. Statistically they have estimated 908,000 U.S. abortions took place in 2015 and in 2014 there were 926,240 abortions (Abort73, …show more content…

Many people often use abortion as a form of Birth control which is very wrong. All babies have great potential whether they are born yet or not, they are our next generation, they could be the difference that this world needs. Then there is Pro-Choice they state “it should be their choice in what they want to do with the baby as to keep it or to abort (Sex Info Online, 2014). Pro-Choice people say “because the baby cannot live outside the womb that it is not human” (Sex Info Online, 2014) which I do not agree with this statement. They have a heart beat they are human no doubt about that. There is a Bible view and there is a World view. Bible view of pregnancy and abortion is the total opposite of the World view of them. Many people now days are living of the world and not of the bible; that is the reason people are okay with abortion and many other things that are wrong with this world. J Jones states “abortion is not mentioned in the bible”. That is because in Gods time abortion wasn’t really a thing because it is wrong God didn’t intend for it to be a “thing”. Mostly the only reason people are doing it is because it has become “popular” in our society and the “easy” way out for people that don’t like to take responsibility for their own actions. That is the main world view of abortion. The bible says that God knows us before we are formed in the womb, before we are even thought of. In Exodus 21:22-25 it “prescribes the same

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