
Abstinence: The Easiest Way To Reduce Teen Abortion

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‘’Of all the teenage women who become pregnant, 35% choose to have an abortion rather than bear a child. (National Abortion Federation 1)’’ As teen pregnancy increases in America so does the rate of abortions. Teen abortion is a major problem in our country that can be solved by informing them about abstinence and other safe sex practices.
Abstinence is the number one way to help reduce teen abortion. Pledging to be abstinent is the promise of waiting until marriage to experience sexual intercourse. Most individuals that are abstinent usually have a purity ring that symbolizes a promise to remain pure until that said time comes. The easiest way to lead teens to abstinence would be to bring speakers to the schools. If there was just a function where somebody spoke, like say a park or something, then the children wouldn't eager to hear what …show more content…

According to the 2013 NSDUH, approximately 5.4 million people ages 12–20 engaged in binge drinking. (National Institute of Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism 1) The average person knows that at most teen parties that alcohol and drug usage are almost a must in this day and age. Drinking can lead to a teen getting advantage taken of her and could end in pregnancy which overall could increase the teen abortion rate if that’s the path that young woman chooses to pursue. Taking teens from that environment or position could decrease the chances of an unwanted pregnancy. Not all teen pregnancies fall on the male’s shoulder either. Some of the blame is on the female as well. Not just the fact that she put herself in that position, but some girls actually come on to the guy and fail to use contraception, ultimately ending in a pregnancy. The next poor decision would end with an abortion. Sex is not the bad thing here, for it’s a natural reproductive activity that is used more for pleasure rather than it’s original reason, which is the bad

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