Acadia National Park is a rugged and beautiful stretch of coastline, inland lakes and streams, and forests. A scenic road winds its way through the park past a number of attractions. The park also has well over a hundred miles of hiking trails for all levels of ability. There are two campgrounds within the park. It provides a playground for locals and visitors who enjoy the outdoors. The little coastal town of Kennebunkport, 12.5 miles south of Portland, is very popular in summer. Dock Square is a restored area of the town with many shops and galleries. Features of interest are the Seashore Trolley Museum and the local history collection in Town House School. Scenic walkway begins from the square and leads out to Walker's Point. The
CPS received CPS referral #0677-3482-7506-1042519 regarding minor Natalie Thompson (DOB: 10/22/01). On 4/7/17, minor threatened to kill herself by jumping in front of a train because she was upset over what happened in her new placement at the group home. Minor stated that she no longer wanted to live and did not want to return to group home. Minor stated that she expressed to staff that she wanted to be left alone, but staff disregarded her request and held her. Two female staff held her back so she proceeded to strike them. During the restrain, staff grabbed minor by her arms, legs and shirt. One of the staff members (unknown) pulled her hair and held her tight so during the restraint causing the minor to sustain multiple bruises on her body.
Experience a new environment and the best of the Bamff, Yahu, and Rockies National Park.
During this history class extra credit opportunity tour to River Bend State Park I fell like I learned a lot of very interesting information on not only American history, but also Seminole History. I also learned the methods that have been utilized in hopes of preserving the park in its natural state. It is well known that it will not be possible to get the park to be an exact replication of the way it was when the wars were taken place, because the park changed before and after those events, and we do not know the exact changes to make today. But nonetheless, the park is as close to as it was back then as it needs to be, and I thought that it was an amazing thing to be in such a well preserved meaningful location. I had no idea that the Seminoles were such a big factor in American history as well as the fact that they were the only Indian group to never surrender. The wars upon the Seminoles were not necessary, and America should not have taken everything from them, or killed so many of them. The Seminoles could have been a huge advantage towards America if we would have accepted them and learned their tracking skills, war tactics, and healthy living habits, rather than stealing from them and killing them.
If you like to hike, swim, explore, and do fun outdoor activities than you would love Voyageurs national park, located in Minnesota. I found most of my research on I like Voyageurs national park because there is a lot of wildlife and things to do. Voyageurs is a wonderful park, there is so much to do there and a lot to learn.
Whether you want to camp along beaches, rivers, lakes or sand dunes, Michigan has something for everyone.
Because Orlando is such a popular and sprawling Floridian city, finding the best neighborhood to live can sometimes be challenging for all new residents. The city is home to some excellent communities, closely-knit neighborhoods and trendy suburbs that offer everything from luxury condo rentals to single family homes in posh neighborhoods. It is true that you may need to do a little research ahead of time to find the best and suitable place to live in Orlando.
If you like river trips, hiking, and swimming. Zion National Park is the place for you. Zion has hiking and hiking tours at Zion a main hike in Zion is Angel's Landing. As a river trip you can kayak down the Virgin River. Also while you are at Zion you can swim in the narrows.Those are only a few things you can do there.
Acadia National Park is one of the most beautiful parks in the United States. There are mountains, hiking trails, beaches, and camp ground that make people love to visit the park. A lot of people travel to Maine just to visit the park. This is the center of most activities in Maine.
I am writing to you to talk about my concern on the protection and management on the Willandra National Park, I think that there should be more actions put in on the protection of this landmark.
Olympic National Park is a diverse ecosystem with 922,651 acres of wilderness, which include 60 glaciers, 13 rivers, 57 miles of coastline, over 600 miles of hiking trails and the largest herd of Roosevelt elk (Cervus canadensis roosevelti) in America. Olympic National Park ecosystems include subalpine forest, meadows, temperate rain forest, and the Pacific coastline; making this a diverse ecosystem. Because of the variety of elevations climate will vary, during october to march temperature will average “35ᵒF/2ᵒC to 50ᵒF/10ᵒC” and the rest of the year “55ᵒF/13ᵒC to 70ᵒF/21ᵒC” (Grace Lambert). Annual rainfall also varies from the western and the northeast side of the park. The western side of the park is the wettest side with an average
It only happens once a year. Our annual fall camping trip to Pawtuckaway State Park, one of the best nature gateways specifically to observe spectacular fall foliage. A lot of people are timid by a thought of taking a camping trip that late in the season at the end of October when the temperature at night falls to smoldering thirty degrees and only a thin layer of a polyester fabric of a tent to keep you sheltered from the cold temperatures, wilderness and the elements. It does seem a little extreme, but I absolutely love it and it’s the event I wait for the whole year. We set on our journey early Saturday morning. The park is situated in the state of New Hampshire, a short drive up north. A vigorous smell of pine trees slipped in through
Starting in the 1800s, many Americans wanted to preserve the beauty of scenic natural wonders. They went to the government and asked them to create something called “national parks.” Responding to these calls, Congress and President Abraham Lincoln put California in charge of taking care of Yosemite during the civil war. The world’s first official national park was Yellowstone when it was created in 1872. Many more parks soon followed. National parks were created “For the benefit and enjoyment of the people” (Theodore Roosevelt). This is true because they have been protected and untouched by humans for anybody to see. There are rules about the use, creation, and conservation of national parks because they should be continued for future
Although there are similarities between Fike Park and Sacred Heart Park, there are also various differences. First, the location of the parks, one being nearer to home, and one farther away, is different. Second, the type of playground equipment has distinct qualities between the parks. Fike Park has a playground that is connected, and built off the ground, unlike that of Sacred Heart Park, which is comprised of various equipment built on the ground. Lastly, there is a gazebo at Fike Park for picnics and other activities, which is not available at Sacred Heart Park. These are some of the ways that the two parks can be contrasted from each other, although they might also be compared in these ways.
With the rising popularity of college sports it’s no wonder that some student-athletes are questioning whether they should be paid or not. Research indicates that paying college athletes isn’t a viable, or necessary, option. Reasons against paying college athletes include, the lack of money colleges have to pay their student-athletes, the plentiful scholarships college athletes are able to receive, the worry that a pay-for-play situation might be created, and the idea that colleges should be used as a place of academics rather than athletics. The first argument people who are for paying college athletes have is that they believe colleges make millions of dollars on their athletic programs, so why can’t some of the millions go towards the athletes
Is campus carry truly effective in decreasing gun violence on campus? Or does it, instead, pose a threat to students and faculty? The campus carry law refers to the policies that allow appropriately licensed students and faculty to carry a handgun on campus as long as the gun is hidden from sight. Several states, including Texas, have passed concealed carry; as a result, polarizing debates have ensued over the effectiveness of the law. Shootings have been occurring at institutions of higher education since the early 20th century (Cobb 35). The first incident of campus shooting occurred at the University of Texas in 1966, by a student named Charles Whitman. Since then, there has been several other university shootings, and they have become more frequent within the last two decades. As a result of this, as well as other shooting incidents such as, Sandy Hook Elementary School, Oregon Mall, and Aurora movie theater, in recent years, the debate over allowing concealed carry on campus has gained a lot of momentum with very conflicting opinions. Proponents of concealed carry consider it to be the best answer to decrease the injuries and casualties of a gun related incident, while opponents consider allowing firearms on campus a threat to the safety of campus constituents. Agreeing with opponents of campus carry, I believe by allowing the concealed carry of firearms on campus, we are potentially compromising the safety of students and faculty, thus universities should push for