
Accidental Statesman Analysis

Decent Essays

The Accidental Statesman: General Petraeus and the City of Mosul, Iraq
General Petraeus was a career military officer whom graduated from the US Military Academy at West Point. He was always very competitive and would always strive for the best. According to a news feed, Petraeus always told his soldiers “Life is a competitive endeavor” (Bowmen, 2010). General Petraeus held many commands, but gained most of his knowledge when selected as the deputy commander of a counter-terrorism joint task force. His position taught him the crucial importance how excellent intelligence was to effective military operations and learned the mechanics of multinational operations. In 2002, Major General Petraeus assumed command for the US ARMY’s 101st Airborne Division. In 2003, tasked with the mission to stage the division in Kuwait, Petraeus was to occupy the Nineveh province, a sector of Iraq stretching over 75,000 square kilometers. In the direct center and having the best tactical advantage, the capital city of Mosul was where he would occupy first. Soon after the occupation of the city of Mosul, Major General Petraeus was successful during the occupation of Mosul, Iraq because he was able to direct his key leaders, lead his troops, and assess situations to accomplish the mission.
General Petraeus is the type of leader whom relies on commander’s insight and sound judgements. The city Mosul, reconnoitered by the commander of the 2nd Brigade, as the center of the city was

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