The Administration for Children and Families mission is to “foster health and well-being by providing federal leadership, partnership and resources for the compassionate and effective delivery of human services” (ACF Vision). The Administration for Children and Families works on many levels to help build an overall good well-being for our youth, families, communities, and country that we can by educating and offering supportive services. “ACF administers more than 60 programs with a budget of more than $53 billion, making it the second largest agency in the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services” (Budget). With it being such a large agency it should be utilized by all teachers no matter the grade because it has specific programs …show more content…
It had suggestions such as volunteering at a food bank and finding volunteer opportunities within your area(Find). Depending on the age of my students I could either ask them to bring in cans to donate to a local homeless shelter or find a volunteer opportunity that my class and I could participate in. I could also use resources from the agency if I found out that one of my students was not living a healthy well being lifestyle or educate the families of my students about the resources available to them depending on their situation. The Administration for Children and Families has a Data & Resource tab which I could use to be more informed on what my future class population could look like or be educated on what the current issues are for my students (Data). If my co-workers had discovered one of their students was struggling wether it be homelessness or neglect, I could inform them about this agency and help them find the resources necessary to improve their students life. The sharing of knowledge between educators, organizations, agencies, etc is necessary to keep us informed,
Overall the Administration for Children and Families is a resource that future teachers, parents, organizations, and many more can find helpful if they are trying to improve the well being of a youth and/or their
There purpose is to help families in their community with housing, employment, and education in order to break that cycle. They have a specific model they follow called The ForKids Model (n.d). Following this model helps the agency provide services that help families succeed. They have many programs in place to help families, such as housing placement, job coaching, mental health consultation, referrals to resources, etc.
My fourth grade class has participated in a service-learning project for the past eight years. Before the Christmas season, we read several books about giving, including a children’s version of “The Gift of the Magi”. Then we discuss how the money that parents send for the students’ Christmas five dollar gift exchange could be used for something else. The children vote whether or not they want to keep the normal gift exchange or donate the money to another cause (every year the students have chosen to donate their gift money to others). Then the students brainstorm organizations or ideas for the money. After the list is narrowed down to five ideas, the children are broken into groups and given one of the organizations to research, and then they write a persuasive report to present to the class. After the students have heard the persuasive reports, a final vote is taken to choose the organization. Next, the students are responsible for writing a letter home to their parents explaining why they have chosen to donate their gift exchange money to the charity or organization. We have sent care packages to overseas soldiers, bought goodie bags for nursing home patients, and sent money to Heifer
The public service of assisting youth may be one of the most difficult jobs around. Not only does the job have to consider what is in the best interest of the child but it also
Our program provides a great foundation in influencing children’s health, which in turn fosters important areas of development, which children need in order to grow healthy and ready to succeed in school. This involves a joint collaboration between the program, families and the community by providing essential services to the children that include a nutritional meal plan, health and related services such as screenings for children and services for children that are ill.
Turning Points for Children (TPFC) is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit social service agency that services children and families throughout the city of Philadelphia. Through providing a variety of services and programs, they envision a thriving community for all (, 2016). Their mission is to support families in raising safe, healthy, educated and strong children by partnering with caregivers to develop and strengthen protective qualities and by offering them the tools, skills and resources they need to ensure their children’s optimal development (, 2016). This Organizational Capacity Assessment will focus on the Community Umbrella Agency 3 (CUA 3), one of the largest programs that the agency offers. I currently am employed as a Visitation Coach at this CUA. My analysis will detail how the services of the CUA are part of the overall vision and mission of Turning Points for Children.
Her idea was to make sure that every child placed in the foster care system would receive appropriate care regardless of their background, past history or specific challenges. As part of their mission statement, this non-profit agency’s main focus is to recruit, train and support every family interested in adopting or fostering a child under Department of Child Safety’s (DCS) custody.
Department for schools & families - is committed to creating a world-class state education system. They will work to improve the opportunities and experiences available to children and the education workforce by focusing on the following priorities:
Our textbook provided us with the many functions of The Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) and described it as “the main source of regulations affecting the health care industry” (Pozgar, 2016, p. 183). I honestly didn’t know its full functionality until I read the chapter. Not only does it deliver a wide variety of health and human services, it also “conducts life-saving research for the nation, protecting and serving all Americans” (, 2017). In researching the DHHS, the one agency that I found intriguing that is under their umbrella is the administration for children and families. The Administration for Children and Families (ACF) “promotes the economic and social well-being of children, families, individuals
In order to help the students score an A+ in there next exam, the non-profit agency received help from the surrounding community, such as churches, shelters and police department allowing
Through the CAC advisory board, I can increase the leadership capacities by empowering the members through knowledge building. If I can teach them what the CAC does, the impacts we have on the lives of kids and families and the needs we have to create growth, they can spread that to people I do not reach. I encourage learning through Webinars at meetings when available, sending out supplementary work from the National Children’s Alliance and explaining through the abuse trends in our community. With this knowledge they can feel empowered to go out into the community groups they belong to and extend this
Child welfare has a mission, to have “continuous improvement of child protective systems address services to be provided, social
beliefs , value , ideas to help them in making right decision regarding their future. An ACD is a formal advance care
To be honest, when I started to dive into this whole process, I had no idea what I was truly interested in. I was only taking this social work class a a very general way to get engaged with the community, though I had little idea what that would mean or what it truly entailed. So when I finally discovered that there was a mandatory volunteer requirement for this class, I was both excited and nervous at the same time, as it would be my first time going through such a process without my parents help. It was not until I discovered the “Give Kids the World Village” that I began to get a better understanding of what this would really mean for me. To begin with, the Give Kids the World Village was created by its Founder Henri Landwirth. Henri would ultimately create the Give Kids the World because of the unfortunate events that happened to his beloved Amy. Amy was a young girl who Henri cherished dearly, however Amy was suffering from a terminal illness, leukemia, and it was her last wish was to go to the parks and meet her favorite characters. However, due to many complications regarding travel, Amy passed away before her dream was accomplished. From there, Henri would work towards making an organization that would handle the costs and complications of travel, so that no other parent should suffer his fate. [1]And thus, the “Give Kids the World Village” was founded, and with it, it’s only major goal. Which is simply to provide everything families need to make their trip, and to
The Children’s Commissioner is to be concerned in particular under this section with the views and interests of children so far as relating to the following aspects of their well-being-(a)physical and mental health and emotional well-being;
When students are involved they get the nutrition and food they need along with the skill sets needed to become employed in the future. The help the children organization adds into this by using a donation program through their website. With the donations they purchase mass amounts of food to deliver to churches, senior citizen faculties, woman shelters, recovery programs, and more. Help the children delivers on average 1.7 million pounds of bulk food each month, making that 35 tons each work day.