
Achievements Of The Mughal Empire

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As the Mughal Empire embarks the start to the highest points of tradition and culture in India, this age began with the creation of India’s greatest Empires—The Mughals. The Mughal rulers brought India to its pinnacle of political power, and cultural success (Spielvogel 530). To acknowledge some of the greatest rulers of the Mughal Empire— Babur, Akbar, and Aurangzeb; these rulers created some of the greatest achievements in India, and some of the greatest controversies as well.
The founder of the Mughal Empire was Babur, who had an esteemed background, in regards to his family. Babur’s father was an Asian conqueror of Tamerlane, and Babur inherited a part of the empire. At his youth, Babur led a group of soldiers who conquered Kabul in 1504. With Babur’s past working an an authoritative figure for the Tamerlane’s Empire, helped him to seize Delhi, and other parts of North India, until his death in 1530 (Spielvogel 530). However, it was not his revere background that made Babur a powerful model during this time, it was Babur’s resilience and dominance that led India into one of it’s highest peaks. With only twelve thousand troops against a significantly large army, Babur captured Delhi, and established his rule there (Spielvogel 531). With Babur’s explicit intelligence, and prowess, Babur established himself to be one of the greatest rulers in India, and led India into a time of achievement and success.
To address another important figure at this time, Akbar, grandson of

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