
Achieving Voluntary School Age

Decent Essays

Children over the age of 3 are entitled for 15 hours of free child care for 39 weeks until they reach statutory school age. If a parent wants their child to have any additional hours then they will have to fund it themselves. This entitlement was brought in by the government under section 39 of the childrenâ€TMs act 2008. In this act all early year providers be it, registered child minders, private nurseries or schools all must work on the EYFS frame work to provide each child with a learning experience that will enable them to achieve the “5 every child matters― outcomes of • Staying safe, • Being healthy, • Enjoying and achieving, • Making positive contributions, • Achieving economic well being.
Schooling at this age should …show more content…

There are State secondaryâ€TMs that will specialise in one or a number of subjects. These schools are known as specialist secondaryâ€TMs. The Schools will specialise in any of the following: the arts, maths and computing, business and enterprise, music, engineering, science, humanities, sports, languages, and technology. More school are being by the encouraged to become Academies. And as such these are school will be independently managed schools, they would have been set up with the help of local sponsors from businesses in the area or possibly faith or voluntary groups in partnership with the local authority and the government. More parents are wanting special needs children to be taught in main stream school. There is still a need for special schools to help to with the educational needs of children that have mental disabilities or physical disabilities. These may be an independent funded school or funded by the LA. We are now seeing Free Schools open, new schools set up by teachers, charities, community or faith groups, universities and groups of parents where there is parental demand. Free schools are up in the same way you would see an Academy set up with regards to funding; they are the same as Academies as they have a greater …show more content…

This does not mean that they have to stay at school, if they wish to leave school they have the option of going on an apprenticeship or traineeship scheme, being in part-time education or training - as well as being employed, self-employed or volunteering for 20 hours or more a week.
If a child decides to stay on in further education they do not only have the option of “A― levels but the could choose Higher National Diplomas (HNDs) these provide more options for practical learning.
They are less classroom-based than A-levels having more practical hands on course work rather than exams. National Vocational Qualifications (NVQ) are work-based awards in England, Wales and Northern Ireland that are achieved through assessment and training. Another option would be to apply for an Apprenticeship. Theses combine practical training on the job with study. They are paid, and therefore offer the opportunity to learn while bringing in a wage. It is a chance to work alongside experienced staff and gain skills unique to the workplace, as well as gain an work based

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