
Acousmatic Sounds In Cinema

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Acousmatic sounds in cinema are those sounds that are present without a visible source. The sounds are aural elements used in the film and embody a spatial quality within themselves. Acousmatic and non-acousmatic sounds are essential in cinema because they provide the spectator with a better understanding of the film through both visuals and sound. Michel Chion explores the idea of the acousmatic sound in his essay The Voice in Cinema where he talks about Acousmatic sounds in conjunction with religion where the priests/ religious leaders would often sit behind a curtain and deliver speeches. Chion draws ideas from Psychoanalysis and connects it with acousmatic sounds. In the context of psychoanalysis, the therapist’s voice is a substitute of an acousmatic sound when the patient is in a state of hypnosis. The idea of an acousmatic sound can be understood with the example of a radio. The voice of a radio jockey is acousmatized since it doesn’t have a visible source but the presence of the radio jockey helps us to imagine a kind of presence through the medium of sound. Chion points out that if we study a film by only listening to the sound and removing the visuals, it …show more content…

It is projected as a Godman who is able to control and influence Karthik’s life. Throughout the story, the acousmetre attains the status of a powerful entity. In the end, the voice is deacousmatized and it is reduced and rendered mundane. The voice that guards Karthik is nothing but a machine that plays his voice. This is quite similar to Mabuse, where Lang brings the idea of an acousmetre that is a machine which makes people succumb at it’s will. In Karthik Calling Karthik, however, the acousmetre is both psychological and mechanical. It comes into being , through Karthik’s actions driven by his unconscious and takes on his life through the mechanized

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