
Active Shooter Situation Analysis

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I will start with what I’m most passionate about outside the realm of an adversarial ground assault on the plant. That being an ‘Active Shooter’ situation. In many cases, there is not a pattern or method to the selection of victims by an active shooter, and these situations are, by their very nature, unpredictable and evolve quickly. That being said the amount of casualties in an active shooter situation in an isolated location such as we are presented with at Palo Verde can mount quickly. We as a security organization, not having a strategy or policy in place could easily turn what would be tragic and disastrous situation into a worse one. According to the FBI there “ over the past seven years, we’ve averaged 16.4 active shooter incidents per year.” That’s roughly one every three weeks. “60 percent were over before law enforcement arrived. More than half the incidents ended on the shooters initiative, when the shooter committed suicide, stopped shooting, or fled.” The FBI continues on that although these situations are rare in government installation’s or where there are armed guards present they are still a likely and very probable threat. I understand this type of training would come from a much higher level of management, I feel that it is pertinent …show more content…

All outside mobiles and ASO’s will have a multicolored flashlight in their go bags/or mounted to response rifles. In times of low light or darkness, ASO’s and outside mobiles will be able to signal friendlies with the color of the day. Obviously this will only work if the ‘COLOR’ of the day is not accessible to the adversary force. Just as the ‘WORD’ of the day is not. The attachments above are just a couple of the many flashlights that provide multiple color lenses built in, and provide tactical accessories. No lens changing is needed. I feel this is a cost efficient fix to our friendly fire

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