
Acute Phase Proteins : The Liver Essay

Decent Essays

Tilia Lam
Darla Kelly
Immunology Definition

1. Acute phase proteins: the liver produces these proteins as a way to signal local and systemic responses. Some of these proteins play a role in inflammation response such as fibrinogen for blood clotting and kinin for vasodilation. There are two types of acute phase proteins: positive and negative.

2. APC: stands for Antigen Presenting Cell. It will present the antigen with MHC to T-cells to activate the adaptive immune response. There are two types of APC: professional (involves dendritic cells, macrophages, and b cells) and nonprofessional (involves Cytotoxic T cells and granules).

3. Apoptosis: when a cell is abnormal or no longer needed, it can program its death by cell suicide process. This is a good way of eliminating cancer or bad cells from dividing and multiplies. However, too little or too much may lead to some diseases such as cancer, Huntington’s disease, and Parkinson’s disease.

4. Autoimmunity: This results in the immune system unable to recognize its own healthy cells and goes against its own body and attacks itself. Sometimes it may be harmless, however, other cases may be fatal if the immune response is completely malfunctioned.

5. B cells: B cell is a type of lymphocyte that is able to mature to plasma cells and memory b cells. B cells mature in the bone marrow, and it does not depend on the thymus gland. B cells have B-cell receptors on its surface to attach to a specific antigen

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