
Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome

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Acute respiratory distress syndrome, also known as ARDS, is the abrupt collapse of the respiratory system. It can advance in anyone 1 year and older who is critically ill. An individual with ARDS has accelerated breathing, difficulty getting adequate air into the lungs and decreased blood oxygen levels. ARDS normally develops in people who have major injuries or already ill with another disease. ARDS is usually a hospital acquired disease. ARDS is normally grouped with an almost indistinguishable condition called acute lung injury, but people with ARDS have much decreased oxygen in their blood, the condition is more dangerous. ALI can progress into ARDS if the oxygen levels continue to decrease.
What causes ARDS?
No one is certain about exactly what triggers ARDS, but it normally happens when you are previously ill or severely injured. Examples of conditions that may cause ARDS include: drug overdose, bacterial infection in the blood (sepsis), pneumonia, aspiration, near drowning, breathing in poison, multiple blood transfusion and severe injury. ARDS usually develops very rapidly, normally within 12 to 48 hours after the circumstance that caused it (Mancini, 2013).
Signs and Symptoms of ARDS
Initial symptoms of ARDS may include: low blood pressure, confusion, loss of consciousness, fatigue or extreme tiredness, anxiety or a feeling of impending doom, fever caused by infection, faster breathing, severe respiratory distress, agitation and rapid heart rate. ARDS

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