
Addiction In Family Abuse

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To begin with, addiction has been come an epidemic in society today affecting family work ethics and values. nevertheless, the family system is being broken in many ways that the results can be catastrophic or damage to a family unit. to clarify substance abuse I've been crimes against family members and community child abuse, sexual misconduct domestic violence, prostitution minor crimes and behavior problems which may be difficult for individuals to handle. none of the less the stages of addiction in the family system or denial home treatment chaos and loss of control. “The belief of the family system is that addiction problems are the results of negative behaviors, dysfunctions or pathology namely the female spouse as the blame”(Copello, Templeton, Orford, & Velleman, 2010, pg.100).Homeostasis in the family system is broken where it can resist or maintain secondly homeostasis within the family system is changed and unbalanced but there are numbers to debility yet there are patterns that develop enabling the addict. family structure is disorganized because addiction has destroyed and created boundaries within the system which normal not agreed upon chosen family members. The addict helps maintain family balance by deflecting attention away from real problems limiting the addiction and family motto within family members who you don't talk don't trust don't feel. Therefore, a family system affected by addiction experiences changes which impact the addict and the individual

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