
Adlerian Theory Case Study

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To learn these psychoanalytic concepts, you will practice applying them to yourself. 1. Discuss some early childhood experiences that you believe have contributed to your personality development. Discuss how these early experiences have affected you, your issues, your behavior, choices, subsequent relationships, etc. An early childhood experience for example and to apply to an Adlerian theory which suggests a perceived birth order, sibling relationships, and personality. According to Adlerian theory, an only child does not learn to share or cooperate with other kids. Therefore, if all family members are grown-ups, the only child will usually mature at an earlier time and learn to oblige and cope. Alternatively, if only children’s parents demonstrate insecurity, only children may take on parental anxieties (p. 67). Given this theory, the first 14 months of my life were spent in foster care. Therefore, if the foster parents were anxious, that is unclear. Additionally, being placed with many other children may alter the theory for the first 14 months of my development in a “birth order” sense. Interestingly, after adoption, the attachment to my parents occurred quickly. Therefore, clinicians should not stereotype people according to their birth order, yet it may be beneficial to study the effect it may have on the client (p. 67). However, according to Freud, I would be stuck in the oral stage due to foster care. In fact, life experience may correspondingly shape personality; being a crime victim survivor numerous times has an influence on my behavioral choices. However, according to Freud, the rational decision-making element of personality functions according to the reality principle; in which one is conscious self-functions to seeks to delay gratification of the id’s while one is impulsive by the appropriate means and circumstances can be realized. Therefore, in view, choices I make seem to be somewhat cautious while undergoing enormous struggles, and yet continually developing coping skills, persistence, and resilience to overcoming them. In fact, this impacts my relationships in a positive yet cautionary manner, yet always open to assisting others way of thinking and behaving (Erikson’s generativity

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